Join us as we celebrate the graduating class of Summit Academy Middletown Secondary School.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Disciples serving Middletown since 1912.
Join us as we celebrate the graduating class of Summit Academy Middletown Secondary School.
Join us for a Drive-thru Trunk or Treat. Stay in your car, and enjoy a treat from your friends at First Christian Church, pictures can be taken in costumes, to be downloaded from fcc-middletown.org.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic the Middletown City Schools were closed by order of the Governor. This left many end of year traditions up in the air for schools.
Staff and members of T.E.A.M. Parent Organization contacted FCC about hosting a drive in retirement party as well as 6th grade graduation. We were excited to be able to accommodate both events. This created an opportunity for some important end of year traditions to be observed, as well as honoring the governors order for schools to be shut down.
This provided an opportunity for the Staff of Central Academy to celebrate the retirement of two teachers. A much deserved celebration, even considering the unusual ending to the school year.
This also allowed the 6th grade class to be able to have a drive through and see their teachers one last time, and receive their certificate as they finish there time at Central Academy.
This is a community church supporting it’s neighbors, this is a small part of being a mission oriented Church.
Join us Saturday April 11th for our Community Easter Eggstravaganza!
The Egg Hunt will begin at Noon! No registration required!
We will have and Easter Egg Hunt for the kids, Food, and an Easter Basket Raffle.
For More information contact: Pastor Jeff Wilder
Join us for the 2019 Trunk or Treat, this will be an indoor/outdoor event. We will have trunks to visit in the parking lot as well as tables to visit in the fellowship hall. There will be food, and games for children. This event is free to the community.
We are so proud of Kaitlin Thompson as she received her
commission to work with the mission, Cominante, in the
Dominican Republic. During a special ceremony at our
General Assembly in Des Moines, Iowa last week, Kaitlin
was one of twelve missionaries commissioned to serve
throughout the world. They are being sent to Kenya,
Thailand, Japan, Greece, Morocco, Haiti, Jamaica,
Cayman Islands, Zambia, Republic of Korea, Dominican
Republic and Palestine. It is God’s plan that we share His
Word. What a blessing it is to have a member of our
congregation, our community, our region, and our
Country volunteer and say, “Here am I, Send me!” May
God’s blessings and our prayers be with Kaitlin
throughout her service.
Life Line Screening is the world’s leading provider of preventive health screenings AND WE ARE COMING TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOR ONE DAY!
The screenings offer a 5-test package to thoroughly check your risk for Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease and other chronic conditions. The combination of these tests can help detect problems before you have symptoms and while your doctor can still take action so you can keep doing the things you love!
Many events also offer blood tests, including Cholesterol, Glucose and C-Reactive Protein screenings, as well as take-home colon cancer early detection tests.
Screening packages start at $149. Single tests cost around $70.
For more information regarding the screenings or to schedule an appointment and get a special discount call, (800) 690-6495 or you can register on line at www.lifelinescreening.com/communitycircle. Pre-registration is required.
You can even request an appointment with Facebook!
Don’t forget to like and follow our page for up-to-date information on future visits to YOUR community.
See you May 23rd @ First Christian Church, 4520 Rosedale Road in Middletown
April 13th, 1:00 p.m. till 3:00 p.m.
Join us for a Community Easter Egg Hunt, we will have egg hunts by age, as well as childrens activities, music, and refreshments.
These screening go beyond regular checkups to look inside your
arteries for signs of plaque build-up.
5 screening for $139.00
Carotid Artery/Plaque Screening
Heart Rhythm Screening
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening
Osteoporosis Risk Assessment
3 ways to register:
Call toll-free: 1-866-2290469
Online:www.lifelinescreening.com/community circle
Text: circle to 79797
Learn to Read, Write and Speak English
All are welcome with any English skill and any first language
Text: (203) 556-8552 With questions
Wednesday Evenings 6:30p.m.-8:00p.m.
4520 Rosedale Rd
Middletown, OH 45042
Phone:(513) 422-2853
Fax: (513) 422-4530
Email: fccmiddletownoh@gmail.com
9:30 am Fellowship Hour
10:30 am Traditional Worship
Children’s Programming Available
6:00 pm Youth (Ages 13-21)
7:30 pm Modern Worship
Children’s Programming Available
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
4520 Rosedale Rd. Middletown, Ohio 45042
Church: 513-422-2853
Email: fccmiddletownoh@gmail.com
Worship: Sundays @ 10:30 AM
Youth LIVESTREAM: Fridays @ 3:00 PM
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