
Outreach News

Our Outreach Committee is again asking for donations of food, paper products, personal items and cleaning supplies. We will be donating these to the Salvation Army each month for distribution. For the month of APRIL, we are requesting canned vegetables (green beans and corn are the two that they run out of first), canned soups, boxed dinners (for example macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, etc.).

They distribute 15,000 pounds per month and our donations will be muchappreciated!

Watch the newsletter each month to see what we will be collecting the next month.

As in the past, deposit your donations in the blue tub in the narthex.

Lifeline Screening, May 1st

Lifeline Screening is coming to First Christian Church on May 1st.


Reservations will be needed. More information coming soon.


For more information on lifeline Screening Visit: http://www.lifelinescreening.com/


Razor’s Edge Presents Guys Vs. Dolls

Saturday April 1st at 7:00 p.m.

Razor’s Edge will have a performance of

Guys and Vs. Dolls

Tickets $12 & Children 12 & Under Free

For Information or Tickets Call: (513) 424-2096 or (937) 572-2347

Call for Group Rates


Chartered and in continuous existence since 1946, the Middletown (Razor’s Edge) Chapter of the Barbershop HarmonySociety is a diverse group of men devoted to sharing the “good vibes” that are unique to unaccompanied music sung in the Barbershop Style.  Our Razor’s Edge Chorus and chapter quartets perform year-round, spreading goodwill through the sharing of our vocal talents.


Their charitable projects include sponsorships to Buckeye Boy’s state and Harmony Foundation, which funds music education of all types.  Each year, we sponsor two local students to the Greater Cincinnati Harmony Festival, a student choral workshop.  We’ve provided our singing talents for many worthy causes in and around Middletown including United Way, Butler County MRDD, Dream Works, MiddFest, All-American Weekend, and Abilities Fir




Outreach News, January 2017


The Outreach Team would like to thank everyone who helped our adopted families this holiday season. Turkeys and all the trimmings were provided in November. During Christmas week, we were able to distribute boxes including hams and many other food items. Much thought was given to the beautiful gifts which were donated by our congregation. At this busy time of the year, you gave more than the gifts we wrapped. You sent a message of love and hope to many who were really in need of a blessing. Our hat and mitten tree was fully decorated and will help keep many children warm in the weeks ahead.

Thank you!

Thank You to Central Academy


A class from Central Academy joined us on Tuesday,
December 20th to help assemble luminaries, color the candle
holding disks, sharpen and replace some sanctuary pencils, and
fold bulletins and the newsletter. We are grateful for this
continuing partnership.

Outreach News


Once again our congregation is showing the true spirit of
Christmas through their generosity and support of Outreach
programs. The Hat and Mitten Tree is being filled with colorful
gloves and hats for school children. Many new toys and clothing
items have been donated for Santa to provide to children in
families we’ve adopted this holiday season. Food items have
overflowed our giving baskets and will grace the dinner tables
of six families on Christmas Day.

Outreach News, November 2016


Thanksgiving is fast approaching and many of you have brought in food donations to support Outreach in assisting our adopted families this year. We will be providing turkeys and all the trimmings for five families which include 17 members in their households. Families will be picking up their Thanksgiving boxes this coming Monday, November 21st so there is still time to drop off your donations by this Sunday.

In December, we will continue our holiday giving program by handing out food requests for Christmas. We will also be distributing gift requests for Christmas gifts for the children in each home. All of your support is greatly appreciated! If you would like additional information about any of the Outreach activities, please see Linda Poynter, Judy Andrews (co-chairs) or Janice Kash, Judy Lemmert or Sharon Amburgey.

Thanksgiving Special Offering

The Thanksgiving Offering benefits the Colleges, Universities, Seminaries, and Divinity Houses affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).These learning communities are an extension of the church, challenging students to understand and respond to God’s call to serve.

From the very beginnings of the movement, Disciples have founded institutions of higher learning, encouraging students in their intellectual pursuits. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is still committed to higher education. Your gift to the Thanksgiving Offering helps underwrite the education of students attending one of our fourteen undergraduate institutions and our seven seminaries or divinity houses.

Thousands of students have attended the Colleges and Universities of the Christian Church receiving both a quality education and the opportunity to remain within our Disciple’s heritage. Your financial gift provides scholarships and support for spiritual life offices. By giving to the Thanksgiving Offering you are investing in our students and helping keep education costs down.

The Thanksgiving Offering also provides scholarship and support for those pursuing theological education at one of our seven seminaries or divinity houses. Consider the many generations of pastors, who, if not for the support of faithful congregations and individuals over the ages would not have flourished as our pastors, teachers and leaders. What impact has your pastor had in the life of your church, community or region? You can thank them by supporting the Thanksgiving Offering.

Attending a Disciples College or Theological School is possible through the scholarships and grants that are made available by generous individuals, the Disciples Mission Fund and your gifts to the Thanksgiving Offering.


Take a few minutes to get re-acquainted with Higher Education and Leadership Ministries (HELM) with this video. You can also give to the offering at http://disciplesmissionfund.org


Outreach News

Thank you again for all of the toys we received for Christmas is July. We delivered 4 bags of toys to the Women’s and Children’s Center of Hope last week to be given to children when they come into the facility. As school is starting, we are again collecting school supplies to be shared with the school next door and Rosa Parks Elementary School. Children are asked to bring a lot if supplies to school at the beginning of the school year, such as disinfectant wipes, tissues, hand sanitizers, single subject notebooks, #2 pencils, glue sticks, crayons (24 count), dry erase markers, index cards, pencil boxes, back packs, etc. This is our way of helping those who can’t afford them to have what they need to have a good start for the school year. All of your donations may be placed in the blue Outreach tub located in the narthex.



CWF wishes to thank everyone who attended and helped in

any way with the Soup and Salad Luncheon. The gross receipts

were $675 and after expenses of $134, we had a net profit of

$541. Proceeds will benefit both local and national missions.

It is now time to re-enroll in our Kroger Rewards program. To

re-enroll, go to www.kroger.com and log into your account

with your e-mail address and your password. When you have

logged in, go to Account Summary and under “Community

Rewards”, choose First Christian Church, Middletown or use

our organization number 81221. When you get to this screen,

click “enroll”. Our quarterly distribution from Kroger was

$71.72, so this is a worthwhile fundraiser.

For the month of May Esther/Rebekah circle will meet at

church on May 4th at 1 PM. Sarah Circle will meet at Marilyn

Chamberlain”s on May 9th at 7 PM. Hannah Circle will met on

April 10th, but has not yet scheduled a meeting for May. All

ladies of the church are invited to join a circle.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)