Recommended Reading!!


Autopsy of a Deceased Church, 12 Ways to Keep Yours Alive.

Groups as well as prayer triad participants are invited to purchase a copy of the above book for study

and reflection. A sign-up sheet for those interested will be in the Narthex.



CWF wishes to thank everyone who attended and helped in

any way with the Soup and Salad Luncheon. The gross receipts

were $675 and after expenses of $134, we had a net profit of

$541. Proceeds will benefit both local and national missions.

It is now time to re-enroll in our Kroger Rewards program. To

re-enroll, go to and log into your account

with your e-mail address and your password. When you have

logged in, go to Account Summary and under “Community

Rewards”, choose First Christian Church, Middletown or use

our organization number 81221. When you get to this screen,

click “enroll”. Our quarterly distribution from Kroger was

$71.72, so this is a worthwhile fundraiser.

For the month of May Esther/Rebekah circle will meet at

church on May 4th at 1 PM. Sarah Circle will meet at Marilyn

Chamberlain”s on May 9th at 7 PM. Hannah Circle will met on

April 10th, but has not yet scheduled a meeting for May. All

ladies of the church are invited to join a circle.

Old Fashioned Sunday

Old fashioned carry in slide 1





Everyone is in for a treat and for a few surprises!

Worship will be filled with many of your favorite older

hymns, complete with music to accompany and enjoy.

Dress in your best old time favorite clothes. Worship

will be held in the gymnasium.

A carry in dinner will follow worship. Please bring your

favorite side or dessert. Meat dish, drinks, and place

settings will be provided.

Easter Photos

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Easter Sunday at FCC!


Easter is a full morning at FCC

7:30 a.m. Sunrise Worship (outside if weather permitting)

9:00 a.m. continental breakfast in our Fellowship
Hall,the children will have an Easter
Egg Hunt, our Easter celebration of worship will be

10:00 a.m. our Easter celebration of worship will begin

Invite family, friends, and neighbors to join us

Nik’s Nook, February


Well, it seems that winter is upon us as much as I hoped it would be minimal this year. El Nino’s and the like don’t always pan out the way you expect when it comes to long-term weather conditions. Despite the snow and bitter cold, we have had some great Sundays recently. It was a great delight to have the Boy Scouts with us a week ago and to see them participate in worship in such a great way. My hats go off to the leaders and the Scouts themselves. While they were with us, they cleaned our Fellowship Hall and set up the tables for our Souper Bowl luncheon. Our Souper Sunday luncheon was a rousing success. We have a lot of great cooks at First Christian and there were just too many soups and chili’s to sample. Congratulations to our winners, 1st place to Martin Schaefer, 2nd place to John Otis, and 3rd place to Larry Steele I love the idea of voting with your pocketbook. What a great way to add to our Outreach offerings. Speaking of Outreach offerings, we kick off our Week of Compassion offering this week and next. If you were present in worship yesterday, you heard me tell of the way that Week of Compassion came to the aid of the people of Hebron, Ohio. This incident with the freak flood that swamped the parsonage basement and many member’s homes or vehicles on the street behind the church was greatly helped by nearly $10,000 from the Week of Compassion. You never know when your offerings might alleviate a disaster that might strike Middletown. Join us each Sunday as we continue to explore the petitions that Jesus taught us as a part of the Lord’s Prayer. With His Love, Pastor Nik

Sermon Series: The Lords Prayer



Join us on Sundays during Lent (February 14- March 27) for Pastor Nik’s Sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer. Each week Pastor Nik will go in depth on what Jesus meant by each phrase in the Lord’s Prayer.

Souper Bowl Sunday!

Join us after Worship Sunday February 7th for the Super Bowl! Bring a Soup to share. Voting will be held for the best soup. Also remember your muffin tin so that you can sample all of the soups.


Celebrate Scouting!

Join us Sunday February 7th at 10:00A.M. as we celebrating Scouting. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts from within our congregation as well as special guests Boy Scout Troop 29 will be participating in worship.



Join Us Ash Wednsday!

Ash-Wednesday2Join us Ash Wednesday, as we start the season of Lent, Leading up to Easter!


We will have Ash Wednesday Service in the sanctuary.

Wednesday February 10th at 7:00p.m.



First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)