Nik’s Nook- January


Our New Year is off to a good start. Our worship order has been tweaked just slightly to make it flow better. Worship leaders have been recruited to the end of the year. A coffee fellowship time has been started and will be held every other Sunday. Our first coffee fellowship was on Sunday, January 10th. A Souper Bowl fellowship will follow worship on Super Bowl Sunday, February 7th. This will replace the usual chili cook off. Also, on February 7th we will observe Scout Sunday with Scouts assuming various worship leadership responsibilities. Our ministry to the homeless called Shalom will be the week of February 14th. It is good to see a congregation involved in so many different ways. Yesterday, I helped to lead members of the congregation into the next step of transition as seek to discern God’s direction and mission for First Christian. I have invited members to join together in prayer triads. This can be three people, three couples, but I cautioned against having more than nine in a group. Each prayer triad will have some designated passages of scriptures to study, to pray about, and to carefully listen for what God might be saying regarding mission and vision in the months and years ahead. What gifts and strengths will you offer to God to accomplish his vision and mission? I need to know the participants of each prayer triad and who you have designated as your recorder. Begin to think about where you would like to see First Christian in the next seven to ten years. There are exciting days ahead of us. Your love and passion of our Lord will help to bring that excitement to fruition.

With His Love, Pastor Nik

An Elder Moment for January 2016

Happy New Year!
It has been a wonderful time of celebration around First Christian over the last several weeks. Thank you to everyone who helped with all the decorating and un-decorating of our sanctuary. All of those who shared their musical talents over the holidays added to the special moments in worship as we prepared for the birth of our Savior. Our youth presentation of the manger time was one of the best. Please continue to share those gifts throughout the year!
For the last 6 months the Elders have been serving as Worship Leader. This was not meant to keep anyone else in our church family from enjoying serving in this position, it was a step in the transition process that we are going through. I want to extend to any of you who would like to serve as worship leader to let Ginger Alley, Tina Yarber, Larry Steele, or Cliff Thompson know so that we can add you to the rotation. Please ask if you have questions about the details of this and what is expected.
The Elders will continue to visit with our special needs members and deliver communion and companionship. If you would like to join and Elder on these visits, just ask! We would be happy to have you join us as would our friends that we are visiting. Remember that if you have a hospital stay, or a family member that does, we are available for prayer and support during that time, BUT WE NEED TO KNOW. The hospital or rehab center will not reach out to us due to privacy laws. We do not want to ignore anyone or let anyone be neglected in a time of need.
With continued Joy from serving,
Your Elders

Outreach News

On behalf of Outreach, I would like to thank everyone who has made this Christmas season a very joyful time for many within our community. After giving out boxes of food prior to Christmas, we were able to deliver bags and bags of toys to the Center of Hope for Women and Children (Hope House). Toys not distributed during the holidays will be used for several months as new children enter the homeless shelter. Hats and mittens were donated to elementary school children. Additionally, I would like to thank the Outreach volunteers, Linda Poynter, Judy Andrews, and Lois Hafer. Paulette McCandless and Mary Bob Powers also stepped up to help when needed. Thank you to all!
Next up: February is a great month to hold our annual Undie Sunday Drive. Our tradition is to collect new underwear and socks for the children attending Rosa Parks Elementary School as well as the youth who reside at the Center of Hope for Women and Children (Hope House). Needs continue for many children within our community and we would appreciate your help in overflowing our blue giving tub in the narthex.

CWF News




The CWF Executive Board will meet on Saturday, January

23rd at 10:00 am.

CWF wishes to thank our members and our church family for

all of their support for our various projects throughout this

past year. Our projects have included: Blanket Sunday,

Blessing Boxes, the Soup and Salad Luncheon, the shower for

the Middletown Community Pregnancy Center, making up

Hospitality Bags for hospital patients’ families, giving gifts to

homeless families at Christmas, and making centerpieces for

our fellowship dinners.

Advance Winter Retreat

12485862_10207418859966382_6384718925791555298_oOur own Kaitlin Thompson attended Advance Winter Retreat January 1st-3rd at Camp Christian in Magnetic springs, Ohio. They had a theme of “Change.” Keynote Speaker Ali Kennedy-Miguel, Commissioned Youth Minister at First Christian Church of Medina discussed how each of us deals with Internal Change & explored how to remain faithful to God & ourselves as we make our New Year’s Resolutions.  Micah & Becky Baird brought in musical aspects to our Bible Study and worship..

January 17th Carry-in

Sunday, January 17th we will have a carry-in luncheon following worship so that we can be introduced to some spiritual formation opportunities that will lead to the formation of “Prayer Triads.”Screen-shot-2013-09-05-at-10.56.16-AM

Pastor Nik Donges, Interim Pastor

Reverend Nik Donges started32a97ea ministry with us as interim pastor in September 2015. Nik is a Graduate of Ashland University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Music and Lexington Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity in Homiletics and Christian Education.

Recently Pastor Nik served as Senior Minister and Retired from Anderson Hills Christian Church and  has served as Interim Minister in Wilmington and Hebron, Ohio.

Pastor Nik  is a trained interim minister by the Interim Minestry Network

Nik Lives in Amelia with his wife of 50 years, Eunice. In his free time he is the principle Oboe for the Cincinnati Civic Orchestra.


To hear some of Pastor Nik’s messages with us, Go to our sermons page.


Contact Pastor Nik at:

Otter Camp

June 21-27 is Otter Camp at Camp Christian.  Those attending are:  Angel Dearth, Daria Dearth, and MacKenzie Lovin.  Volunteering his time as counselors are Ginger Alley, Kelsey Byrd, Allison Byrd, and Mark Roe.  Our Pastor Laureen Roe serves as Otter Camp Director.  Please keep these individuals in your prayers throughout their church camp experiences.

Mail can be addressed to:

Camp Christian

10335 Maple Dell Rd.

Marysville, OH 43040

Wear Yellow

On June 28, please wear yellow.  It’s Laureen’s favorite.  Wearing yellow is another way to make the day extra special, and remind us all of the joy we have shared over the years.


Our Music Director, Rachel Eve Davis will be directing a bell choir this summer.

Rehearsals will be Sundays beginning in June at 11:15AM following worship. If interested, please sign up on the sign-up sheet on bulletin board above water fountain. Come join the fun, and make a joyful noise unto our Lord.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)