CYF State Youth Convention

March 13 – 15, our CYF youth will be traveling to Camp Christian for the CYF State Youth Convention. Youth from all over Ohio will be gathering for a weekend of faith building, worship, and fellowship. Theme for the weekend is Ministry… Me? Cost for the weekend is $65. Applications can be found at Mark Roe will be going as a counselor. See him if you have any questions.

Youth Sunday

Youth Sunday will be April 26. The children and youth of our congregation will lead us in worship on this special day. Please make sure your children/grandchildren (ages 5 years old through 12th grade) are at church in the coming weeks as we begin to plan and learn music and parts. We will have a special Lock-in April 10-11 to learn about what it means to worship and to work through all the pieces of Youth Sunday. Of course, there will be fun and games during the Lock-in as well. Our final rehearsal for Youth Sunday will be on Saturday April 25, 10AM-12N.  Please mark these dates on your calendar.

youth sunday next gen_t_nv

Undie Sunday

Sunday, February 15 is our annual Undie Sunday Drive.
We will be collecting new underwear and socks for children attending Rosa Parks Elementary School as well as the youth who reside at the Center of Hope for Women and Children (Hope House). The needs of many children in our community are continual and we look forward to helping by providing new clothing items. Donations may be placed in our blue giving tub in the narthex. A majority of children within our community have many ongoing needs and we look forward to taking this opportunity to help. Our goal is to overflow our blue giving tub in the narthex.

Undie Sunday

Valentine Discipleship Day

Come join us for another Discipleship Day full of “LOVE” on Saturday, February 14, 2015 from 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.  This event is for all children and youth, hosted by the Christian Education Team.  We will have an afternoon and evening full of fun activities and crafts surrounding 1 Corinthians 13.  Dinner and snacks will be provided, so this gives all our “LOVE BIRD” parents/grandparents a chance to go out for Valentine’s Day.   If you have any questions, please contact Lora Schueller or Mary Helen Shetter.  Hope to see all of our youth there!!


Discipleship Day Feb 2015 - web

Worship Theme Team

We are currently planning for Lent.  If you would like to be a part of the Lent theme team or a theme team in the future, please contact Ginger Alley or Tina Yarber (Worship Ministry Co-Chairpersons).   Our next Theme Team meeting will be Wednesday, January 28 at 4PM.

January Outreach News

Outreach giving was extremely successful during the holiday season and we are fortunate to have a congregation who believes in sharing.  Thank you!  We are looking forward to February 15 when we will have our annual Undie Sunday drive.  February is the month when we will be collecting new underwear and socks for the children attending Rosa Parks Elementary School as well as the youth who reside at the Center of Hope for Women and Children (Hope House).   A majority of children within our community have many ongoing needs and we look forward to taking this opportunity to help.  Our goal is to overflow our blue giving tub in the narthex.

December Outreach

We have so much to be thankful for and the giving within our congregation is a way of expressing our gratitude to God.  With your help, we filled and distributed boxes of food at Thanksgiving.  We began decorating our Hat and Mitten Tree and are in the mist of collecting food for families who are in need of a helping hand at Christmas.  We are sharing our blessings by collecting gifts for children who reside at the Center of Hope for Women and Children (Hope House).  As we become more aware of the challenges in the lives of these children, we want to take every opportunity to give them something they can call their own.  Your continued generosity is making all of this possible.  Thank You!!!

Mitten Tree



Help Our Neighbors

middletown-school-logoMiddletown schools have so many children that qualify for food assistance that all students receive free breakfast and lunch on school days.  The children in our city need their neighbors to reach out.  Central Academy is our church yard neighbor and they need our help.  Did you know that Central Academy serves children from all over the Middletown area?  They have students from more affluent neighborhoods and students from poverty stricken areas.

Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as we would love ourselves.  Jesus calls us to reach out and care for the Central Academy children we have as neighbors.  There are many ways you can reach out and help our neighbor – Central Academy.  Volunteers are in high demand.  Below is a list of ways you can plug in and help the students of Central Academy:

Reading to and with students

Practicing sight words through games

Practicing math facts

Helping students write

Making copies in the school office

Cutting and assembling kits for student use  can be done at home and returned to school

Helping with Day of Giving at FCC during Dec. 15-19

Beautifying front entrance of Central Academy

If you would like to know more about being a Christ-like neighbor to Central Academy, please contact Pastor Roe.  She will get you connected to the school.  Pastor Roe, our Elders and Outreach Ministry Team are planning to help with a couple special events.  We’ll have more information on these as it becomes available.

Outreach Opportunities



This is a very busy time for Outreach as we prepare to provide for families at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  With your help, we will be providing turkey and trimmings for ten families in November.  Thank you to all who have committed to help this month and please watch for more information on what will be happening in December.


Hat and Mitten Tree


Plans are to use the Hat and Mitten Tree again this year and provide much needed items to the children attending Rosa Parks Elementary School and the children at Hope House.  Please help us start decorating the tree in the narthex on November 30.




SHALOM is very worthwhile program to house and feed the homeless in our community.  We will again be partnering with Christ United Methodist Church for two weeks this winter.  Mark your calendars for December 28 through January 3 and February 15 through February 21 and plan on sharing a blessing with someone by giving of your time or helping prepare a meal.  Jerry Hall has again graciously volunteered to be our contact person and will be providing additional information.

Christmas Discipleship Day

Discipleship Day Dec 6 2014On Saturday, December 6, 11:00a.m. – 4:00p.m. our Christian Education Team is hosting a very special Christmas Discipleship Day.  This day is for all children and youth.  It will begin following the Children’s program rehearsal.  There will be lunch and lots of fun activities and games.  Please note this gives elves (parents/grandparents) the majority of the day to take care of whatever elf duties (shopping) you have.  Questions?  Contact Mary Helen Shetter or Lora Schueller.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)