Ephesians Bible Study

Our Sunday morning Bible Study class will begin their study of Ephesians on Sunday, February 9.  The class meets Sundays at 11:15a.m. following worship in room 101.  Bring a friend and deepen your biblical knowledge within the fellowship of your church family.  Karen P. guides the study.

Men’s Rally

Men, mark your calendars.  The District 8 Men’s Rally is Sunday, March 2, 3:00p.m. at LivingFaithCommunityChurch in Miamisburg.  Tickets are $5.  See Matt Lyons to purchase your ticket.

Week of Compassion

WoC 1

February 16 and 23 we will be collecting offerings for the Disciples strongest mission arm – Week of Compassion.  For 70 years, Week of Compassion has made a difference in the lives of people and communities around the world by pooling resources, leveraging funds and serving through partnerships.  Gifts given through this special offering empower people in poverty to learn a trade, raise their own food, and grow in faith. United in Christ, we help to provide access to healthy food, good education, excellent health care, and shelter after devastating storms.  Each time a gift is given a connection is made that builds a bridge or tears down walls.  Each resource shared answers God’s call to love our neighbor, because in Christ Jesus, we are one family.  Please give generously.  To learn more go to www.weekofcompassion.org


Week of Compassion Response to Philippines

WOCLogoYour gifts of compassion are already at work.  Week of Compassion immediately responded to the news of the horrific typhoon that swept through the Philippines last Friday morning, thanks to you.  Funds were sent to the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, through Global Ministries. Typhoon Haiyan is one of the worst recorded typhoons in history. It has already killed at least 1,200 people, but unconfirmed sources estimate over 10,000 deaths.  4.5 million people have been affected. Death toll in the typhoon‐hit areas is rising as areas currently out of contact are reached. Hundreds of thousands of people are displaced. Hardest hit is the central Philippine city of Tacloban, which is said to be flattened and where hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced. The damage to airports and roads is hampering initial relief efforts, the BBC said.  The scene across the Philippines is one of severe
destruction with fallen trees, damaged roads and buildings, downed power lines and telecommunications.

Even though the Typhoon has now passed the Philippines, flash floods and landslides which cause additional danger can be expected. The areas hit cover already poverty‐stricken communities, which have suffered from successive and simultaneous emergencies.  On October 15, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Bohol province in central Philippines. As a result of that emergency alone, over 344,300 people are displaced and living in makeshift shelters built in open spaces near their homes. These people are in dire need of food, non‐food items and other emergency relief materials.  Gifts to Week of Compassion are being used to provide immediate effective lifesaving assistance.  Thank you for your generosity during this devastating disaster; it is your compassion that allows Week of Compassion to take action.

If you would like to help financially, you can make a donation through First Christian Church.  Mark your offering “Week of Compassion – Philippines” or go to www.weekofcompassion.org .
“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.”
1 Corinthians 12:26

Coins 4 Camp!

Coins 4 Camp On the third Sunday of each month our children collect loose coins during the Children’s Moment.  These coins are used to support Camp Christian.  Half of the coins are used to help send our youth to summer camp.  The other half is sent to Camp Christian for operating expenses.  Bring your coins on third Sundays and support our youth and Camp Christian!  For more information about Camp Christian, go to www.ccinoh.org

Small Group Book Discussion (Oct 27)

small_group_bookA small group, led by Nancy S, will meet the afternoon of Sunday, October 27, to discuss the book MUDHOUSE SABBATH by Lauren F. Winner. Despite her conversion from Orthodox Judaism to Christianity, the author finds that her life is still shaped by the spiritual essences of Judaism — rich traditions and religious practices that she can’t leave behind. In MUDHOUSE SABBATH, Winner illuminates eleven spiritual practices that can transform the way we view the world, and God. Whether discussing her own prayer life, the spirituality of candle-lighting, or the differences between the Jewish Sabbath and a Sunday spent at the Mudhouse, her favorite coffee shop, Winner writes with appealing honesty and rare insight.

Let Nancy know if you plan to participate in the discussion — and pick up the book MUDHOUSE SABBATH to begin your journey.


Youth Group News

JYF (K – 3rd grades) and Chi Rho (4th – 8th grades)

  • Sunday, October 20 – lunch will be provided following worship and then will leave to visit Neiderman Farm’s Corn Maze (bring $5 for the maze)
  • Sunday, November 3 – youth group following worship
  • Sunday, November 17 – youth group following worship
  • Sunday, December 1 – youth group following worship
  • Saturday, December 7 – Christmas program rehearsal from 10:00 am to noon
  • Sunday, December 8 – Christmas program

CYF (9th – 12th grades)

  • October 27 – CYF Party
  • Saturday, November 9 – lock-in beginning at 7:00 pm


Youth Spirit Encourager 2013-14

As in past years, we are again asking you to participate in the Youth Spirit Encourager program, which pairs an adult in the church with a youth in the church. As an “encourager,” the adults send notes and letters of encouragement and prays for the youth throughout the year. The identity of the encourager remains a secret from the youth until a breakfast in the spring, at which time the pairings are revealed.

If you would like to be an encourager, please fill out the form in the narthex and return it to Mary Helen Shetter or Beth Bentley. Encouragers will be matched with a youth and given information about that individual.

Please prayerfully consider being a Youth Spirit Encourager. It is a wonderful opportunity to nurture a young person in faith.

Fall Workday (Sep 28)

fallworkdaySaturday, September 28 is a day of opportunities for all.  It is the date the Property Team has set for our “Fall Workday.”  We have had many helping hands in and around the building each week but we need your help to accomplish tasks that need to be completed.  If you have a chainsaw, gas-powered trimmer, blower, or other outside tools, please bring them and join us.  If you can dust, sweep, wash windows or polish furniture, we can use your help.  We have a beautiful place of worship and it belongs to ALL of us.  Please consider helping the dedicated volunteers who are inviting you to join us at 9:00 am  during our semi-annual cleanup day.  We usually work until noon or early afternoon and look forward to seeing you!  To help in our planning, please let Sharon A. or Karen P. know if we can count on you.

Pumpkin Sale and Cookout on the Lawn (Oct 5)

pumpkin saleDuring this beautiful time of the year, we are busy making plans for a fun afternoon of activities, including a cookout. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 5th and join us in games for all ages. Euchre included. Plans are in the works for our youth to hold a Pumpkin Sale beginning at 3:00 pm. All other activities are scheduled from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. This is an excellent opportunity to extend an invitation to our friends and neighbors and enjoy some great fellowship!

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)