Join us for a Drive-thru Trunk or Treat. Stay in your car, and enjoy a treat from your friends at First Christian Church, pictures can be taken in costumes, to be downloaded from fcc-middletown.org.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Disciples serving Middletown since 1912.
Join us for a Drive-thru Trunk or Treat. Stay in your car, and enjoy a treat from your friends at First Christian Church, pictures can be taken in costumes, to be downloaded from fcc-middletown.org.
In January Pastor Jeff was approached to become the chair of the new Middletown Youth Coalition. This is intended to be a organization to create safe spaces and resources for youth to make good decisions.
The Coalition is housed as part of the Safety Council of Southwestern Ohio, Community Building Institute, First Christian Church, First Baptist Church, and The Rise After School & Mentoring Program.
To find out more, go to their website:
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic the Middletown City Schools were closed by order of the Governor. This left many end of year traditions up in the air for schools.
Staff and members of T.E.A.M. Parent Organization contacted FCC about hosting a drive in retirement party as well as 6th grade graduation. We were excited to be able to accommodate both events. This created an opportunity for some important end of year traditions to be observed, as well as honoring the governors order for schools to be shut down.
This provided an opportunity for the Staff of Central Academy to celebrate the retirement of two teachers. A much deserved celebration, even considering the unusual ending to the school year.
This also allowed the 6th grade class to be able to have a drive through and see their teachers one last time, and receive their certificate as they finish there time at Central Academy.
This is a community church supporting it’s neighbors, this is a small part of being a mission oriented Church.
Join us Saturday April 11th for our Community Easter Eggstravaganza!
The Egg Hunt will begin at Noon! No registration required!
We will have and Easter Egg Hunt for the kids, Food, and an Easter Basket Raffle.
For More information contact: Pastor Jeff Wilder
Dec. 31st. Overnight New year’s eve party for youth and Scouts are 11 to 21 At First Christian Church. Cost $6 bring a 2 liter and a snack to share
Pick up will be from 8 to 10 a.m. the next morning!
If you would like to have your children in a safe environment and ring in the new year with wonderful people and a new renewed spirit of community. This is the youth event for your youth! This is an ongoing 7 year New year’s tradition we are extending to the youth of out town. Plenty of games, activities and ringing in the new year with goals and priorities.
We have certified youth leaders on hand to facilitate activities and have your youth in a safe environment.
For more information contact Youth Pastor Jeff Wilder at 513-594-5421.
Thank you.
Our culture is changing rapidly, and it’s easy for the church to fall behind. We cling to what is familiar. We enjoy the memories of blessings God has bestowed on us in our past. The future sometimes looks scary. Especially, since the church, as a whole, seems to be on a downward spiral. It seems we are doing circles in the desert, lost in the wilderness like Moses on the way to the Promised Land! We long for the days and things of old. We long for the former things. Why? Because it is safe. We know what to expect in the former. But God’s word says, Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. God is doing a new thing at First Christian Church! His new thing is a Youth Explosion! The word explosion triggers images of chaos, and destruction in the form of noise, debris, and in this case crumbs, glue, glitter, masking tape, drawings on everything not nailed down and every conceivable stain or spill you can possibly imagine. But let me offer 5 positive points that also come with this youth explosion. #1 Intrinsic Value: Children and youth are valuable as they are made in the image of God and are a visible sign of the extended mercy of God. #2 Gift of Passion: The raw, idealistic passion of adolescents is a gift to the body of Christ. It pushes adults beyond comfort and cynicism. #3 Agents of Ministry: Youth are not merely objects of ministry. They are rightful agents of ministry today, as part of the larger, intergenerational family of God. #4 Relational Impetus: Teenagers remind the broader church that relationships, rather than structures, are the conduit for gospel movement. #5 Learning Laboratory: Ministry to youth keeps the church aware of the changes in culture and the local context. Ministry among youth can give the church a “first look” at coming changes. Youth ministry provides us an opportunity to experiment with how to bring the unchanging Word to an ever-changing culture, giving us a snapshot of racial, social-economic, familial, and value diversity in our community. Ministry to, and among youth in our community helps the church connect to and stay abreast of the changing context of our community. Yes, the explosion of noise and controlled chaos is worth the uncomforting the church feels with a youth explosion. To expand further the youth explosion teaches us to remember how we first loved Christ; with a sense of wonder, excitement, and an unconditional expectation of possibility! Children believe that nothing is impossible! They expect wonder and miracles. Each time they come into the church they are expecting to learn something new, experience something miraculous, and feel something empowering. Jesus knew this, that’s why he wrote: Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. In our haste to maintain “control” and “order” let us not forget none are in control but Jesus. And If he commands us to forbid not the children to come to him, who are we to change the rules of his house? Growth is hard, it is painful. But in the end, it is necessary to move closer to God. We are in the new beginnings of a youth explosion! God has seen your faithfulness and has chosen our church to facilitate Growth! Do we continue to be faithful and embrace the changes and growing pains? Or do we stifle it because we are so accustomed to the way “We” do things that we chase our blessing out of the church? Do we long for the former ways and consider the things of old? Or do we cling to and believe God’s word and expect a new thing!
Committees and Ministries: Sunday School, Youth Group, Scouting
Born and raised in Middletown, Jeff Wilder has a true heart for the young people of this city. He has just recently began his formal education at Phillips Theological Seminary, but has had the unique opportunity to study under some of the areas great ministers and theologians. Jeff is an active volunteer with The Boy Scouts of America for 13 years. He has been recognized as Scoutmaster of the Year, Cub Master of the Year, and Volunteer of the Year, as well as being a Vigil Honoree in the Order of the Arrow (BSA Honor Society). In 2018, Jeff was recognized by Kingswell Ministries as Man of the Year for his work with the youth in Middletown and Mason of the year for Jefferson lodge Middletown Free and accepted masons. He has previously served as an outreach minister, an elder, and a youth program coordinator. Jeff’s family has absorbed his love for serving , his wife, Kelly, works as a home health care giver for adults with disabilities and youngest son, Kobi, is an eagle scout whos eagle project was a anti bulling campaign. they currently live in Middletown. He is also the proud father of seven of who, son Glenn South is a missionary to turkey, Daughter Courtney is a preschool teacher, daughter Carly is a student of Cincinnati state for hospitality and business management and he is an even prouder grandfather of four. His favorite verse is “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).
In ministry, as in life Jeff has lived and ministered from the precept that God Gives Us “it is ok to give the wrong person a break but not Break the wrong person.”
Contact Jeff:
Cell: 513 594-5421
Email: mastermasonjeff@gamil.com
Join us for the 2019 Trunk or Treat, this will be an indoor/outdoor event. We will have trunks to visit in the parking lot as well as tables to visit in the fellowship hall. There will be food, and games for children. This event is free to the community.
April 13th, 1:00 p.m. till 3:00 p.m.
Join us for a Community Easter Egg Hunt, we will have egg hunts by age, as well as childrens activities, music, and refreshments.
Sunday December 9th, We had youth and chaperones attend the Middletown Youth Conneciton. Those in attendance assembled 50 stockings to be handed out to those attending Christmas Eve Service at The Gathering.
Middletown Youth Connection is supported by: The Gathering, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), First Presbyterian Church, and St. Paul’s United Church of Christ.
4520 Rosedale Rd
Middletown, OH 45042
Phone:(513) 422-2853
Fax: (513) 422-4530
Email: fccmiddletownoh@gmail.com
9:30 am Fellowship Hour
10:30 am Traditional Worship
Children’s Programming Available
6:00 pm Youth (Ages 13-21)
7:30 pm Modern Worship
Children’s Programming Available
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
4520 Rosedale Rd. Middletown, Ohio 45042
Church: 513-422-2853
Email: fccmiddletownoh@gmail.com
Worship: Sundays @ 10:30 AM
Youth LIVESTREAM: Fridays @ 3:00 PM
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