
Youth News

Youth NewsChi Rho & JYF 

                       Our Chi Rho middle school youth group and our JYF elementary school youth group will meet February 9 and 23, 12:00-2:00p.m.  Lunch is provided.  If you have questions, please contact Mary Helen Shetter.


CYF & Chi Rho to Serve SHALOM

                       On Sunday, February 16 our CYF high school youth and our Chi Rho middle school youth will be serving SHALOM.  The youth will meet at FCC at 4:00p.m. to prepare dinner.  They will then travel down the road to Christ United Methodist Church to serve the guests of SHALOM.  Following dinner the youth will stay until 10:00p.m. and play board games, shoot hoops, etc. with SHALOM guests.


Chi Rho Lock-in

                       After serving SHALOM on February 16, the Chi Rho youth will return to FCC for a lock-in.  If the schools decide to use February 17 (President’s Day) as a make-up snow day, the lock-in will be cancelled.

Coins 4 Camp!

Coins 4 Camp On the third Sunday of each month our children collect loose coins during the Children’s Moment.  These coins are used to support Camp Christian.  Half of the coins are used to help send our youth to summer camp.  The other half is sent to Camp Christian for operating expenses.  Bring your coins on third Sundays and support our youth and Camp Christian!  For more information about Camp Christian, go to

Youth Group News

JYF (K – 3rd grades) and Chi Rho (4th – 8th grades)

  • Sunday, October 20 – lunch will be provided following worship and then will leave to visit Neiderman Farm’s Corn Maze (bring $5 for the maze)
  • Sunday, November 3 – youth group following worship
  • Sunday, November 17 – youth group following worship
  • Sunday, December 1 – youth group following worship
  • Saturday, December 7 – Christmas program rehearsal from 10:00 am to noon
  • Sunday, December 8 – Christmas program

CYF (9th – 12th grades)

  • October 27 – CYF Party
  • Saturday, November 9 – lock-in beginning at 7:00 pm


Youth Spirit Encourager 2013-14

As in past years, we are again asking you to participate in the Youth Spirit Encourager program, which pairs an adult in the church with a youth in the church. As an “encourager,” the adults send notes and letters of encouragement and prays for the youth throughout the year. The identity of the encourager remains a secret from the youth until a breakfast in the spring, at which time the pairings are revealed.

If you would like to be an encourager, please fill out the form in the narthex and return it to Mary Helen Shetter or Beth Bentley. Encouragers will be matched with a youth and given information about that individual.

Please prayerfully consider being a Youth Spirit Encourager. It is a wonderful opportunity to nurture a young person in faith.

Pumpkin Sale and Cookout on the Lawn (Oct 5)

pumpkin saleDuring this beautiful time of the year, we are busy making plans for a fun afternoon of activities, including a cookout. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 5th and join us in games for all ages. Euchre included. Plans are in the works for our youth to hold a Pumpkin Sale beginning at 3:00 pm. All other activities are scheduled from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. This is an excellent opportunity to extend an invitation to our friends and neighbors and enjoy some great fellowship!

Christian Ed Kick-Off Sunday (Sep 8)

Changes are coming for Christian Ed! 

Kick-off Sunday is September 8 with a wonderful breakfast at 9:00 am.  Everyone is invited!  At 10:00 am, children 3 years old through third grade will attend Children’s Worship and Wonder (room 103), and Chi Rho and CYF will meet upstairs.

Following our time of communion and fellowship in the sanctuary, Sunday School for pre-school and kindergarteners will take place in Room 104 and Sunday School for Grades 1 through 3 will take place in Room 106.

Youth groups will begin immediately after worship on September 8!

Adults, consider joining the class immediately after the first service in Room 101.  Karen Powers is the facilitator and the book of Joshua is currently being explored.

Stay tuned for more details to come.  Any questions may be directed to Beth, Mary Helen or Lora.

Hope to see everyone on Sunday, September 8 for breakfast at 9:00 am!

CYF Mission Trip – July 14-20

Our CYF youth group left Sunday, July 14 to travel to Mingo County, West Virginia, and will return on Saturday, July 20. In Mingo County they will have the opportunity to serve at Kids Club or on Work Projects. Please keep our youth and their leaders in your prayers as they serve the needs of others.

Vacation Bible School (July 7-10, 2013)

Make plans to join us for a week of Vacation Bible School. We will be building our faith and exploring the bible while learning all about God’s Kingdom!

Sunday, July 7 from 12:00 – 3:00pm. Immediately following 2nd worship we will gather for a carry‐in lunch. Please bring something yummy to share.

Monday-­Wednesday, July 8-10 from 6:00 – 8:30pm. Each night will begin with dinner. We will then break into groups for classes.

  • CHILDREN’S CLASSES: Children will explore the building of God’s Temple in the New and Old Testaments through storytelling, music, crafts and games.
  • ADULT CLASS: Martin Schaefer will be leading Computing 101 for adults during VBS. If you have a laptop computer, please bring it to class.

Questions? Contact Beth Bentley (CE Director) or Mary Helen Shetter (VBS Director). If you want to join us, fill out a registration form and return it to the church office. There is no charge.

 Registration Form ­ – First Christian Church VBS

Participant: _____________________________________________________________________

Grade Completed: _______________________________________ Age ______________________

Allergies/Special Needs: ____________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact: _______________________________________________________________

Home Phone: __________________________________ Work Phone ________________________

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)