
Chili Bowl

chili-bowlIt’s that time of the year again!  After our morning worship on Feb. 2, before you and you and your family gather around to watch the big game, join your church family for CYF’s Annual Chili Bowl!  Bring in a pot of your favorite chili and put it up against other delicious chilies and see who will emerge the champion!  If chili isn’t your forte, feel free to bring in a dessert to share.  Everyone is welcome after service to get together in the fellowship hall for laughs and lots of delicious food!  The CYF youth group will be accepting donations to put toward their mission trip fund.  Good luck, we hope to see you there!


We again have the opportunity to serve the homeless in our community on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the week of February 16.  People are needed to share the LIGHT of Christ to those in need.  If you have concerns or questions, please contact Jerry Hall.  A sign-up poster is available in the narthex.

BRIM Worship Workshop

BRIM LogoOn Saturday, February 8, 2-5 p.m. we are hosting BRIM: Creative Overflow in Worship Design Worship Workshop.  The workshop will be led by nationally known musician and worship leader ANDRA MORAN. For more information and registration form, please click here BRIM Workshop.

Blanket Sunday

CWS BlanketsBlankets+ is a program sponsored by Church World Service.  Families are urged to give $5.00 (or more) to purchase blankets for people in crisis situations in the U. S. and around the world.  The Blankets+ program also purchases tents, food, and other supplies in the wake of a disaster.  Please open your hearts this season and “Blanket the world with love.”  Our children will be collecting this special offering during the Children’s Moment on January 12th and envelopes will be available the whole month of January for your donations.

Christian Education Opportunities

Going DeeperOn Sundays at 11:15 a.m. we have Christian Education classes for all ages.

A new adult Christian Education class titled “Going Deeper” is being held following worship each Sunday (11:15 a.m.).  The class is an open forum to discuss with the Pastor and each other the scriptures and topics used in worship that morning.  This class is being held in the Choir Room and you are welcome to attend.

The study of David in 2 Samuel is also being taught in room 101 by Karen Powers.  This class, also, is open to any who wish to attend.

Classes for our children and youth are available at 11:15 a.m. following worship:

Class Age/Grade Rm # Teacher
Preschool & Kdgtn 3 – 5 years old 104 Sue Tarbox
Elementary Grades 1-5 106 Lora Schueller                  & Tina Yarber
Chi Rho Grades 6-8 Upstairs Michelle Schatzley
CYF Grades 9-12 Upstairs Angie & John Otis


Let’s Decorate!

ornamentFollowing our Thanksgiving Celebration, the Worship Team will decorate the church for the Advent/Christmas season, which begins on December 1.  The beauty of our sanctuary helps us realize the presence of God during this Holy season.  Come join the fun!

Thanksgiving Celebration

Following our contemporary worship on Sunday, November 24, our Membership Team will provide a meal of Thanksgiving for our enjoyment and fellowship.  The turkey will be provided, but each family is asked to bring a side dish to share with others.  Please plan to attend worship and remain to partake of the feast of thanksgiving with your church family.  And … bring a friend


Fall Workday (Sep 28)

fallworkdaySaturday, September 28 is a day of opportunities for all.  It is the date the Property Team has set for our “Fall Workday.”  We have had many helping hands in and around the building each week but we need your help to accomplish tasks that need to be completed.  If you have a chainsaw, gas-powered trimmer, blower, or other outside tools, please bring them and join us.  If you can dust, sweep, wash windows or polish furniture, we can use your help.  We have a beautiful place of worship and it belongs to ALL of us.  Please consider helping the dedicated volunteers who are inviting you to join us at 9:00 am  during our semi-annual cleanup day.  We usually work until noon or early afternoon and look forward to seeing you!  To help in our planning, please let Sharon A. or Karen P. know if we can count on you.

Pumpkin Sale and Cookout on the Lawn (Oct 5)

pumpkin saleDuring this beautiful time of the year, we are busy making plans for a fun afternoon of activities, including a cookout. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 5th and join us in games for all ages. Euchre included. Plans are in the works for our youth to hold a Pumpkin Sale beginning at 3:00 pm. All other activities are scheduled from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. This is an excellent opportunity to extend an invitation to our friends and neighbors and enjoy some great fellowship!

Discernment Conference (Sep 21 & 22)

First Christian Church has entered into our Sabbatical period, designed to provide reflection, renewal and rejuvenation for both the pastor and the congregation.  These months are designed to seek God’s help discerning where we’ve been, who we are, and where we will go.

To accomplish this on the part of the congregation, we are holding a Discernment Conference on Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22.  We will meet in groups of no more than 10, and respond to some questions that will help us to discern, along with our pastor, the future direction of our church.  Rev. Dr. LaTaunya Bynum, regional pastor of the Christian Church in Ohio, will lead all sessions.

There will be two sessions on Saturday morning, two sessions on Saturday afternoon, and, if needed, two sessions on Sunday afternoon.  Each session will be about one to one and one-half hours long.  You will need to sign up for a session in advance on the chart in the Narthex.  You may also sign up by calling the church office Monday through Friday between 9 am and 1 pm.

To prepare you for the conference, we are listing below the questions in advance.  Copies will also be available on the table in the Narthex.

Who Are We?

  • What are our core values?
  • What are our strengths and what are our limitations?

What Is Our Future?

  • What are we building?
  • Where have you seen growth (including spiritual growth) over the past seven years?
  • What are you looking forward to in the next seven years?
  • What might the church do to make you a better disciple?


  • If you could design worship on Sunday morning, what would it look like?
  • If our church initiates some small encounter groups for our congregation and friends, what topics/activities would draw you into a group?
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)