
January 17th Carry-in

Sunday, January 17th we will have a carry-in luncheon following worship so that we can be introduced to some spiritual formation opportunities that will lead to the formation of “Prayer Triads.”Screen-shot-2013-09-05-at-10.56.16-AM

An Elder Moment

We welcome Pastor Nik as our Interim Minister.

He has been with us for two weeks now and is settling

in as our Pastoral leader. He will be meeting with our

transition team very soon in order to get the ball

rolling on what we need to prepare ourselves for

matching up with a search for our Settled Pastor. As

we are getting familiar with each other, please take

the time to reach out to Pastor Nik and introduce

yourself. One awesome way to do this is to offer to

take Pastor Nik out for lunch. This could be after

worship on Sunday or during the week if your

schedule permits. We encourage all of our members

to participate in this time of conversation for Pastor

Nik to get to know us better.

As worship evolves over our time with Pastor

Nik, please be sure to let us know what is working and

what is not. We will do our best to accommodate

what we can for changes. Talk to an Elder or our

Worship team leaders; Ginger Alley and Tina Yarber.

We extend our sympathies to the family of Nell

Teater. There was a wonderful celebration moment of

her life. Please keep all of her family in prayer for this

time of transition.

Pace, Passion, and Purpose!

Cliff Thompson. Elder Chair


The Elders have been dutifully fulfilling the task

of finding an Interim Pastor for us. This has been a

labor of love and an opportunity to learn more about

each other in the process. Thank you to all the

members of our church that have shared their

comments and feelings about the candidates that we

presented to you. It was not an easy decision. Due to

a few differentiating factors, Rev. Nick Donges was

called as our Interim Minister. Rev. Donges will have

standing office hours as well as making hospital calls

and taking care of any special service needs in the

congregation. Rev. Donges will help guide us through

the process that we need to complete to prepare our

church as a candidate for a new minister.

The Elders will be establishing a Transition

Team. We hope to have this team in place prior to

Rev. Donges coming on board, so that they are ready

to start. If you are approached for this team, please

prayerfully consider taking on this role. It is your

opportunity to serve your church as well as being a

part of helping to create the future of the church that

you will pass on to the next generation.

As we continue through this process, the Elders

will strive to keep everyone informed of the process

and the progress. This is a time for us all to pull

together and surround each other with love and


Pace, Purpose and Passion!

Cliff Thompson & Mike Simpson, Elder Chairsc


As we have entered into a time of transition, some

things remain the same, some things will change, and some

things may still be there but appear quite different. Our

worship service is not exempt. We have different folks giving

the message (for now). We have new deacons and elders for

the 2015-2016 year. As we strive to keep everything going, I’m

sure that there will be things that are, inadvertently, omitted

or missed. For this we apologize in advance.

As we go forward, please work with us. If there is

something that you would like to recommend, please do so. If

we miss something during worship, let us know. If there is

something new that you feel might add to the worship

experience, please tell us that as well. However, I ask that you

do not tell us your ideas, but please put them in writing; send a

note, an email or give us a handwritten note. (Charlotte often

says that some things she tells me goes in one ear only to fall

right out of the other ear.) Sundays are very busy times these

days as we go forward in the absence of a pastor. Therefore, I

ask that you forward your written communiques to Cliff or me.

We promise to do our best to try to keep things running


I also want to update you on the work of the elders in

searching for an interim pastor. The elders have interviewed a

candidate and another interview is scheduled. We will keep

you apprised of progress.

As we are having a number of different individuals

deliver our message, we all need to express our thanks to

Rachel Eve. She is doing an excellent job of putting all of our

music together for services.


Thanks for your help in keeping the ship afloat.

Larry L. Steele


Otter Camp

June 21-27 is Otter Camp at Camp Christian.  Those attending are:  Angel Dearth, Daria Dearth, and MacKenzie Lovin.  Volunteering his time as counselors are Ginger Alley, Kelsey Byrd, Allison Byrd, and Mark Roe.  Our Pastor Laureen Roe serves as Otter Camp Director.  Please keep these individuals in your prayers throughout their church camp experiences.

Mail can be addressed to:

Camp Christian

10335 Maple Dell Rd.

Marysville, OH 43040


CWF is having an end of year picnic on June 16th at Marilyn Chamberlain’s home.  Sarah Circle had dinner at Olive Garden on June 8th.  They will again have dinner out on August 10th at a time and place to be determined.

We will be giving out our community funds this month to a local charitable organization.  This will be voted on by our Executive Board.


Our Music Director, Rachel Eve Davis will be directing a bell choir this summer.

Rehearsals will be Sundays beginning in June at 11:15AM following worship. If interested, please sign up on the sign-up sheet on bulletin board above water fountain. Come join the fun, and make a joyful noise unto our Lord.

General Assembly News

A Theme To Call Us into Ministry

31 But those who hope in the Lord     will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;     they will run and not grow weary,     they will walk and not be faint. (Is. 40:28-31, NIV)

You can still register for General Assembly. It’s not too late. Register for the whole assembly or for only part. Go to

The Assembly promises to be filled with inspiring worship, fellowship and learning as disciples from all over gather at Christ’s Table.

Ribbit Camp

June 7 – 10 is Ribbit Camp at Camp Christian. Attending these days of camp for 2nd-4th graders are Owen Lyons and Nick Otis. Volunteering their time as counselors are Ginger Alley and Matt Lyons. Our Pastor Laureen Roe serves as Ribbit Camp Director. Please keep these individuals in your prayers throughout their church camp experiences. Mail can be addressed to Camp Christian, 10335 Maple Dell Rd., Marysville, OH 43040.

Camp Christian Workday

Saturday, May 16, 2015

After a long winter there’s a lot of spring cleaning to be done to get Camp Christian back in shape for the summer and each year we Men make it part of our Ministry and Mission to help ready the camp for the summer season and the campers and conferees to come. And thanks to some generous donations to cover the cost of food there is no cost for Saturday meals. Please RSVP online at even if you are just coming on Saturday so that we may plan for the meals and the work projects.

Past work has included mowing, weed-whacking, plumbing, retrieving picnic bench building, painting, and sweeping, No matter your age or ability there’s something you can do! Nobody is too young or too old to lend a hand.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)