
Snow Policy

SNOWOur snow policy for cancellation of worship is as follows:
If Butler County declares a Level 2 or 3 snow emergency we will not have worship.  Otherwise, we will have worship.  Please use your best judgment when deciding whether you should attend.  We do not want anyone risking accident or injury.  If you have any concerns, it is better you stay home and be safe.
Please note: we do not put a message on local television or radio.  We will update our website and Facebook page.
If you know someone within our congregation who does not have internet, please give them a call and share this information.


Thanksgiving OutreachAs we approach the holiday season, our Outreach Ministry Team is inviting you to share with others within our community.  We will continue our tradition of working with Family Services to provide food for Thanksgiving meals for several area families.  As we give thanks for our blessings, we are thankful for the opportunity to help others.  We will have an Outreach table in the narthex/lobby beginning November 2 to distribute food requests for Thanksgiving.  Please stop by for more information.  We appreciate all that you do to help Outreach continue this giving tradition!

–  Sharon Amburgey and Judy Andrews, Outreach Co-Chairs


On Sunday, October 26 our Chi Rho middle school youth delivered 20 new winter coats to Hope House’s Women’s and Children’s Center.  They helped children find the right size.  The children’s faces were filled with delight as they were zipped into their new coats.  One young girl, stretched her arms as wide as she could and squealed, “It’s purple!”  The money used to buy the coats came from previous mission fundraisers the Chi Rho youth had earned.

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CWF and Outreach hosted a Baby Shower for the Crisis Pregnancy Center on Sunday, October 19th.  There were about $350 worth of items donated and the items were delivered to the center on Monday, Oct. 20th.  Thanks go to all who prepared food for the lunch and also to those who donated items to the center.

CWF will be purchasing a first aid kit for the kitchen and will also be updating the medication items in the other first aid kits at the church.

Hannah Circle will meet after church in fellowship hall on Nov. 2nd.  Please call Mary Helen about bringing a food item to share with the group.

Elders’ Study

SW WholeBeginning in September, our Elders will be studying Whole: A Call to Unity in Our Fragmented World by the Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins.  In her hope-filled new book, Sharon Watkins, the General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and moderator-elect of the National Council of Churches, shares her vision of how the good news of Jesus calls American Christians to unite around justice, mercy, and openness in the 21st century.  She explores the question of how do we take the liberating gospel of Jesus to the world today?  Then explains that what really matters “is the relationship with a living, loving God, a God who calls us to love each other, to create communities of care and equipping for wholeness, so that the love and hope we know through our relationship with Christ can truly be carried from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.”  The book can be purchased at

Come to the Table

Table ComeSome of the most important conversations in our lives happen around a table.  Same is true for Jesus and the disciples.  September 14 – October 5 we will explore scriptures focused on the table.






September 14

Mark 2:13-17

Sermon:  Who’s Invited?


September 21*

Luke 7:36-50

Sermon:  Welcoming

This is National Back to Church Sunday. 

We will focus on inviting others to the Table.

Communion will be at the beginning of worship.


September 28

Matthew 21:-12-17

Sermon:  Distractions


October 5

Matthew 26:17-30



Youth Choir

youth choir_tYouth ages 1st through 8th grades are invited to join our Youth Choir.  Rehearsals begin September 7 immediately following worship.  Our Youth Choir will sing in worship on the first Sunday of each month.  If you have questions, please contact Rachel Eve Davis, Youth Choir Director (

School Supplies Collection

School SuppliesOutreach continues to focus on providing school supplies to children attending Rosa Parks Elementary School as school doors will again be opening in just a few weeks.  Please make donations of school supplies: pencils, rulers, paper, crayons, glue, etc., we have found there is always a need for tissues and hand sanitizers.    For many children at Rosa Parks Elementary this is the only way they have the supplies they need.  So, please give generously.  Thank you!

Summer Camp

Summer Camp at Camp Christian in Magnetic Springs, Ohio is not far away. There are camps for youth kindergarten through 29 years old. Dates and more information on camps can be found at Registration Forms are available in the church office or at Once you have completed the registration form, return it to the church office along with half of the registration fee (church pays ½ fee and camper pays ½ fee). Checks should be made payable to First Christian Church. If you have any questions, please contact Laureen. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE IN THE OFFICE BY EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 20.
Chi Rho Camp: June 8 – 14, 2014
CYF Conference: June 15 – 21, 2014
Otter Camp: June 22 – 28, 2014
Ribbit Camp: June 29 – July 2, 2014
CYF Conference: July 6 – 12, 2014
Chi Rho Camp: July 13 – 19, 2014
CYF Conference: July 20 – 26, 2014
Chi Rho Camp: July 27 – August 2, 2014
Advance Conference: August 3 – 10, 2014
Ribbit Camp: completed 2nd – 4th grades*
Otter Camp: completed 3rd – 5th grades*
Chi Rho Camp: completed 6th – 8th grades
CYF Conference: completed 9th-12th grades
Advance Confer.: post high school – 29 yrs old
* Note: 3rd and 4th graders have a choice between Ribbit and Otter Camp, but cannot attend both camps. Ribbit camp is ½ week long.

Youth Sunday Rehearsals

Youth Sunday will be Mothers’ Day, May 11. Children and youth of all ages will be leading worship on this special day. JYF, Chi Rho and CYF youth need to attend rehearsals on April 27 (12-2p.m.), May 4 (12-2p.m.) and May 10 (9-11a.m.). It is imperative youth attend these in order to participate.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)