
Youth Group News

JYF (K – 3rd grades) and Chi Rho (4th – 8th grades)

  • Sunday, October 20 – lunch will be provided following worship and then will leave to visit Neiderman Farm’s Corn Maze (bring $5 for the maze)
  • Sunday, November 3 – youth group following worship
  • Sunday, November 17 – youth group following worship
  • Sunday, December 1 – youth group following worship
  • Saturday, December 7 – Christmas program rehearsal from 10:00 am to noon
  • Sunday, December 8 – Christmas program

CYF (9th – 12th grades)

  • October 27 – CYF Party
  • Saturday, November 9 – lock-in beginning at 7:00 pm


Clergy Appreciation Month (Oct 2013)

The month of October is traditionally designated as a time to show appreciation for the church’s clergy. To this end we ask that each of us make a concerted effort to thank those who work within our church: Pastors Laureen Roe and George Reese, Beth Bentley and Evan Dean. Send a card of thanksgiving or extend a handshake of thanks throughout this month to show that their care for the church does not go unappreciated.

Youth Spirit Encourager 2013-14

As in past years, we are again asking you to participate in the Youth Spirit Encourager program, which pairs an adult in the church with a youth in the church. As an “encourager,” the adults send notes and letters of encouragement and prays for the youth throughout the year. The identity of the encourager remains a secret from the youth until a breakfast in the spring, at which time the pairings are revealed.

If you would like to be an encourager, please fill out the form in the narthex and return it to Mary Helen Shetter or Beth Bentley. Encouragers will be matched with a youth and given information about that individual.

Please prayerfully consider being a Youth Spirit Encourager. It is a wonderful opportunity to nurture a young person in faith.

Connecting with Christian Women’s Fellowship

CWF’s theme for this year is “Connecting – within our church and in our community.”  Our first project will be to invite all the women in our congregation to be a prayer partner to another woman within our congregation.  On Sept. 8th and 15th those wishing to participate may fill out a slip of paper with your name and any other information you wish to give – such as e-mail address, phone or mailing address, and on Sept. 22 you will be assigned a prayer partner.  If you are unable to be here and wish to have a prayer partner, just call or e-mail the church office.  You do not need to purchase or give anything to the other person.  We just ask that you communicate with your prayer partner at church, on the phone, by e-mail, or by a card through the mail.

We will be making “Hospitality Totes” for our community project.  These totes are to be given to families of hospital patients.  These will be assembled on October 13th after the second service.  A light lunch will be served and there will be an installation service for our CWF officers, who are as follows:

  • President:  Marilyn Chamberlain
  • First Vice President:  Helen Morgan
  • Second Vice President:  Dorice Perkins
  • Secretary:  Mary Helen Shetter
  • Treasurer:  Angie Otis
  • Sarah Circle Leaders:  Mary Back and Linda Poynter
  • Rebekah/Esther Circle Leaders:  Betty Stacy & Dorice Perkins
  • Hannah Circle:  TBA
  • Kitchen Chairmen:  Linda Poynter and Betty Stacy
  • Church Women United Delegates:  Helen Dennis & Dorice Perkins

If you are not currently involved in a CWF Circle, please know that an invitation is always open for you to participate!

Looking For a Few Good Rockers!

rockerWould you like to rock some of these cute babies who are at church?  You could volunteer one hour a month.  Yes, just one hour a month is all we are asking.  You can volunteer for either first service or second service.  Please consider doing this for the children of our church.  If you would like to do this, please let Beth, Mary Helen or Lora know. Thank you.

Choir Resumes (Aug 29)

choir musicIf you enjoy singing (or think you just might want to give it a try),  come to choir rehearsals at 7:00 pm beginning Thursday, August 29. The Praise Team meets at 8:00 pm.  The ability to read music is NOT a prerequisite, and the benefits of serving in this capacity are boundless!

General Assembly 2013 – Becoming a People of Grace and Welcome to All


The following resolution was approved by the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) meeting in Orlando, FL on Tuesday, July 16, 2013.




WHEREAS, “We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world,” called to welcome others as we have been welcomed by God[1] and to practice hospitality to one another,[2] as well as to strangers;[3] and

WHEREAS, Scripture affirms that all people are created in the image of God and share with all others in the worth that comes from being unique individuals;[4] and

WHEREAS, Scripture affirms that as Christians we are many members, but are one body in Christ each with different gifts, called by Jesus to love our neighbors as ourselves,[5] and called to the ministry of reconciliation and wholeness within the world and within the church; and

WHEREAS, Disciples historically affirm baptism as the primary call to ministry and offer baptism to all who profess their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior; and

WHEREAS, Disciples historically profess that the nature of Christian discipleship is profoundly informed by the Lord’s table, which is central to the act of worship, calling attention to the radical hospitality extended by Jesus, who welcomes all to the table of grace; and

WHEREAS, the Disciples’ movement came to be in reaction to limitations being placed on this welcome, recognizing that excluding anyone from the Lord’s table fragments the body of Christ; and

WHEREAS, the 1997 General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) called for the church to give continuing research and reflection “concerning the participation of gay and lesbian persons in the full life and ministry of the Church”;[6] and

WHEREAS, persons continue to be devalued and discriminated against within society and more sadly, within the church because of their sexual orientation and or gender identity; and

WHEREAS, Disciples find identity at the Lord’s table, sharing as the body of Christ, valuing each other in covenantal relationship even when we disagree; and

WHEREAS, Disciples historically affirm that individuals and congregations hold differing interpretations of scripture, but that all are called to transcend differences and claim one another in Christian unity;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the General Assembly meeting in Orlando, Florida, July 13-17, 2013, calls upon the Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ) to recognize itself as striving to become a people of grace and welcome to all God’s children though differing in race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, marital status, physical or mental ability, political stance or theological perspective; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Assembly calls upon the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to affirm the faith, baptism and spiritual gifts of all Christians regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and that neither is grounds for exclusion from fellowship or service within the church, but we celebrate that all are part of God’s good creation; and

FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED that the General Assembly calls upon all expressions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), as a people of grace and welcome, to acknowledge their support for the welcome of and hospitality to all.

For more information about the General Assembly please visit – General Assembly. For a pdf copy of this resolution please go to General Assembly Resolution GA-1327.

2013 General Assembly E-Docket

The 2013 General Assembly Program and Business Docket just got lighter and greener. Chalice Press, the denominational publishing house and a Disciples general ministry, has converted the docket book into a variety of eBook formats. These eBooks are available for a variety of tablets and readers and are available for free. This e‐version of the official docket includes information about general sessions, business sessions, workshops, convention facilities, vendors, and more. It is a great way to keep up with Assembly business and activities.

Three file types are available. What type of reader you use will determine which file format you will need. Links to all file types can be found on

Video/Sound Booth Volunteers Needed

We are in need of volunteers to run the computer during both services in the fall and winter of next year. If you would like to volunteer or just learn what is involved, please contact the church office at (513) 422-2853. You can observe or be trained during the month of July.

CYF Mission Trip – July 14-20

Our CYF youth group left Sunday, July 14 to travel to Mingo County, West Virginia, and will return on Saturday, July 20. In Mingo County they will have the opportunity to serve at Kids Club or on Work Projects. Please keep our youth and their leaders in your prayers as they serve the needs of others.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)