
Name Tags

Beginning this Sunday, July 7, name tags will be available for all who attend worship at FCC.   We encourage you to wear your tag during the months of July and August.  We are blessed to have new faces among us, and even those who have attended FCC for many years do not necessarily have the right name with the right face!  So, this is an opportunity for us to become acquainted.

The name tags will be available on the table in the Narthex.  Please return them at the end of service so they will be available the following week.

Offering Envelopes

Our new offering envelopes for the 2013-14 fiscal year have arrived. If you have not received your envelopes, they may be picked up at the Church. If you have not previously used weekly or monthly envelopes and would like a supply, please contact Marilyn Chamberlain or notify the Church Office at (513) 422‐2853.

Keys and Alarm Codes

It is necessary to periodically re‐set and clean up our security system to eliminate codes and reclaim keys which are no longer needed. If you have a key to the building or a code for the alarm system, please contact Cliff Thompson by June 15, when all building access codes will be reset.

Note that if you have access to the building and do not contact Cliff, you will be responsible for any alarm fines assessed due to not being able to turn off the alarm. Thank you for your cooperation in this endeavor.

June Worship

Pastor Roe will be on vacation the weeks of June 9 and 30 and at Otter Camp the week of June 15. Filling the pulpit will be Rev. Carol Oetzel (June 9 and 30) and Rev. Dr. Bill Edwards, Regional President and Minister, on June 16. Please be present and welcome these guests to First Christian Church.

Bring a Can of Food

The Choice Food Pantry is in desperate need of food. With school ending soon the need will be even greater. Please bring a can or box of food with you on Sunday and place in the wooden food pantry box. The Outreach Commission thanks you for your continuing support.

Caring for God’s House

We have been entrusted with the care of God’s House. Our church building and grounds are sacred. They have been set apart from the rest of the world and consecrated as God’s. Just as we care for our own homes, we are to care for God’s home. People are needed to clean, dust, vacuum, etc. If you do it at your house, it needs to be done at the church. Please prayerfully consider doing your part to care for the sacred space known as FCC‐Middletown. To volunteer, please contact the church office or sign up on the bulletin board over the drinking fountain.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)