
Commissioning of The Rev. Connor L. Thompson

Join us Sunday October 20th for the Commissioning of The Rev. Connor L. Thompson as Associate Pastor of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Middletown, Ohio.

The message that morning will be given by The Rev. Rick Spleth, Regional minister of the Christian Church in Indiana and Visiting Regional Minister of the Christian Church in Ohio. The Rev. Carol Oetzel will be present representing the Christian Church in Ohio Commission on Ministry.

Rev. Thompson is a lifelong member of First Christian Church. Rev. Thompson is also a Middletown native having graduated from Madison High School and will graduate from Miami University with a Bachelor of Science in Non Profit & Community Studies. Rev. Thompson intends to continue graduate education at Phillips Theological Seminary, and is is excited to serve in his home community.

Choir Invitation

I am excited and honored to be leading music at FCC and I would like to invite anyone that has the desire to sing (even if you’ve never been in a choir before) to join the choir! Rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, August 28 from 6:30-8:00pm, and we will begin singing for the services on Sunday, September 8 (week after Labor Day). We would love to have you come and join us. I hope to see you there!

In Christ’s Love,

Michael Hefner

Aug. 25th Special Congregational Meeting

Join us after worship on Sunday August 25th, for a congregational meeting. We will have a proposal to vote on from the Pastoral Search Committee.

We encourage all members to attend this very important meeting.

Congratulations to our new Missionary!

We are so proud of Kaitlin Thompson as she received her
commission to work with the mission, Cominante, in the
Dominican Republic. During a special ceremony at our
General Assembly in Des Moines, Iowa last week, Kaitlin
was one of twelve missionaries commissioned to serve
throughout the world. They are being sent to Kenya,
Thailand, Japan, Greece, Morocco, Haiti, Jamaica,
Cayman Islands, Zambia, Republic of Korea, Dominican
Republic and Palestine. It is God’s plan that we share His
Word. What a blessing it is to have a member of our
congregation, our community, our region, and our
Country volunteer and say, “Here am I, Send me!” May
God’s blessings and our prayers be with Kaitlin
throughout her service.

Lifeline screening May 23rd

Life Line Screening is the world’s leading provider of preventive health screenings AND WE ARE COMING TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOR ONE DAY!

The screenings offer a 5-test package to thoroughly check your risk for Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease and other chronic conditions. The combination of these tests can help detect problems before you have symptoms and while your doctor can still take action so you can keep doing the things you love!

Many events also offer blood tests, including Cholesterol, Glucose and C-Reactive Protein screenings, as well as take-home colon cancer early detection tests.
Screening packages start at $149. Single tests cost around $70.

For more information regarding the screenings or to schedule an appointment and get a special discount call, (800) 690-6495 or you can register on line at Pre-registration is required.
You can even request an appointment with Facebook!
Don’t forget to like and follow our page for up-to-date information on future visits to YOUR community.
See you May 23rd @ First Christian Church, 4520 Rosedale Road in Middletown

“The Shack” Bible Study

Bible Study will resume on January 22nd at 7:00 P.M.

We will be studying based on the movie “The Shack”

Bible study will meet weekly on Tuesdays at 7p.m.

January 20th & 27th, The Rev. John Dick

The Reverend John Dick is a retired ordained minister in the American Baptist Church. John is a resident of Middletown. John has served American Baptist Congregations in Midland, MI; Haddonfield, NJ; Wyoming, OH; Middletown, OH and Worcester, MA.

January 6th & 13th, The Rev. Sue Glaab

Reverend Glaab is an ordained minister. Sue was a member of First Christian Church while she attended United Theological Seminary. She holds a Masters of Divinity from UTS.

FCC Live!

Join us for Worship and other events live!

Middletown Youth Connection Christmas Gathering

Sunday December 9th, We had youth and chaperones attend the Middletown Youth Conneciton. Those in attendance assembled 50 stockings to be handed out to those attending Christmas Eve Service at The Gathering.

Middletown Youth Connection is supported by: The Gathering, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), First Presbyterian Church, and St. Paul’s United Church of Christ.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)