
Series: The Birth of the Church

Pastor Tracy’s Sermon series is

The Birth of the Church

May 14th “Dissension and Debate”-Acts 15: 1 – 11

May 21st “Dinner Companions”-Galatians 1: 13 – 17; 2: 11 – 21

May 28th “Children of God”-Galatians 3: 1 – 9, 23 – 29

June 4th “The E Word”-Acts 2: 1 – 4

Outreach News, April 2017

Our Outreach Committee is asking that the third Sunday each month be our “Sunday of Giving”. When we remember our “Coins for Camp”, we will also remember our donations of nonperishable food items for distribution by the Salvation Army. The blue tub in the narthex is for the collection. Thank You!

CWF News, April 2017

CWF will be hosting the Farewell Reception for Pastor Nik after the April 30th service. We will also be assisting with the luncheon for Pastor Tracy on May 7th. The luncheon will be planned by the Membership Commission. We will receive and dedicate our Blessing Boxes at the May 14th service. Please note the date change due to Pastor Tracy’s Installation Service to be held on May 7th . We will have the CWF picnic at Marilyn Chamberlain’s home on June 12th at 6:30 pm. This will be a carry in meal with hot dogs and hamburgers furnished. Please tell your circle leader if you plan on coming and what you will bring for the meal. Hannah Circle members can call Angie Otis or Marilyn Chamberlain with the above information.

Nik’s Nook, April 2017

My Dear People, This will be the final newsletter article that you will see from me. Next month, Pastor Tracy Siegman will share with you her first words of wisdom. As I think back over our time together, I often have to ask where these last eighteen months have gone. Yet, we have done so much together to grow as a Christian community, to embrace the ideals of a new vision and mission, and finally to be able to call a settled pastor. There is no way that I can fully say ‘thank you’ enough for your love, your support, for our times together, for our moments of sadness as well as our moments of laughter and of joy. You have endured with me through two cracked bones and allowed me to serve you at times from the distance of my home. You have held me in prayer whether it was a moment of need like a cracked bone or just for the ministry that we were seeking to do together. You have offered words of encouragement as we have sought to accomplish the various tasks that I was called to do. When we say ‘farewell’ on April 30th I will no longer be your pastor in any role. I live by a strict ministerial code of ethics that will not allow any continued pastoral relationship. Yes, I can be your friend and I would hope that we can keep in touch in that friendship manner. However, if we step beyond that I will simply ask you to be in touch Pastor Tracy. My sincere prayers will be with you as you welcome Pastor Tracy Siegman and seek to build new relationships with her as Pastor and congregation.

With His Love, Pastor Nik

One Market & Eatery, NOW OPEN!

One Market & Eatery is NOW OPEN!

1316 Vail Ave.

Middletown, Ohio


One Market & Eatery was formed with a group of people that saw a need and an opportunity.  The food insecurity rate is need and the opportunity are centered around hunger.  Hunger for food and hunger for connectedness.  The first type of hunger is easily measured.  The food insecurity rate in Middletown is a staggering 32%.  ​

The community is looking for a new way to give and we are providing that for them.  We are now serving 2 purposes. We are serving a community that is in desperate need of quality food products and we are an avenue for people to give back to the community in a different way. We use two approaches at our building on Central Ave next to the old studio theater.  One approach is the food truck, which is getting quality food to people and the second approach is the Micro-Market that will be located inside our property and will give the community access to healthy fresh produce and other fresh food options using the “pay it forward” model.

We have strived to get food to the community via different avenues and have succeeded on a small scale.  We are ready to expand our efforts and move to a bigger and better system.  By incorporating the “Pay it forward” model and using grade B produce and moving into a different property we will be able to reach more people and help rescue some of millions of pounds of produce that is wasted every year which in turn helps the environment.

The combination of the Food Truck Pod Concept and the micro-market in the same location will allow us to become a destination and product uniquely known to the downtown Middletown area. 

Hours of Operation

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

10:00a.m. – 2:00p.m.

First Fridays

5:00p.m. – 9:00p.m

For more info visit: 

or like them on Facebook

Outreach News

Our Outreach Committee is again asking for donations of food, paper products, personal items and cleaning supplies. We will be donating these to the Salvation Army each month for distribution. For the month of APRIL, we are requesting canned vegetables (green beans and corn are the two that they run out of first), canned soups, boxed dinners (for example macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, etc.).

They distribute 15,000 pounds per month and our donations will be muchappreciated!

Watch the newsletter each month to see what we will be collecting the next month.

As in the past, deposit your donations in the blue tub in the narthex.

CWF News, March 2017

We wish to thank all who volunteered to help with our Soup and Salad Luncheon, as well as those who brought salads and desserts. We served around 52 people and had additional donations for a gross profit of $403. Our attendance this year was hampered by rain and storms around the lunch hour. We had several nice compliments regarding the food and the variety of salads. Those who brought salads and desserts may pick up theirdishes in the kitchen after church this coming Sunday.

Also, it was noticed that the kitchen could use some more dish towels, so if you wish, you may bring in new or gently used dish towels.

Nik’s Nook, March 2017

Well, I did it again, that is, when it comes to a fall. Many of you may already know that a week ago Thursday I tripped on a threshold and fell forward landing fairly hard on my left knee. I have seen an orthopedic doctor and will return this afternoon to find out the results of an MRI that was done last Tuesday. Your prayers are appreciated and needed. I hope to be back with you most of the month of April. I remind you to keep your focus and attention to where God is calling this congregation with His empowering vision.

Early in April, you will have the chance to hear about a new ministry of outreach that is starting in downtown

Middletown. One Market and Eatery is that ministry. You will be invited to visit One Market and Eatery for a meal. You pay what you can and will be invited to pay it forward by giving a bit more so that another’s meal cost is covered. There is, also, an opportunity for us to volunteer.

In the midst of April, we will have the chance to recall the events that led up to our Lord’s crucifixion and resurrection. I have listed those special times in a separate calendar below.

We continue to prepare to welcome Pastor Tracy Siegman as your next settled pastor. Please keep her in your prayers.

Let us seek to focus on the vision into which God is leading us as we wind down and prepare for a future filled with hope.

With His Love,

Pastor Nik

Nik’s Nook, February


On Sunday, February 5th, this congregation took a most important step forward. You had the chance to meet the Reverend Tracy Siegman, a candidate for the next settled pastor of First Christian Church. The vote was positive and following some procedures in Pastor Tracy’s congregation, she announced this past Sunday of her eventual move to Middletown.

You have worked faithfully and prayerfully to reach this important step in your future. Pastor Tracy, if I may refer to her in that manner, will begin her ministry with you on May 1. My final Sunday with you will be April 30th.

During these final two months, there is much to accomplish. During the Sundays of Lent, I will be sharing a series of messages based upon the newest book by my friend, George Bullard. Captured by Vision is the title. There are nuggets of inspiration within this book that will help us prepare to fully welcome Pastor Tracy.

I ask that you keep Pastor Tracy and myself in your prayers as we prepare for a transition. You have welcomed me. You have responded warmly to my leadership. Each of you holds a special place in my heart.

Let us seek to focus on the vision into which God is leading us as we wind down and prepare for a future filled with hope.

With His Love,

Pastor Nik

FCC Calls Rev. Tracy Siegman!

First Christian Church is Excited to Announce it’s Call of a New Pastor.


After months of interviews and research, the First Christian Church pastoral search committee made a recommendation to the congregation, who voted to approve the call of Rev. Tracy Siegman.

Rev. Tracy Siegman

Rev. Tracy Siegman

Tracy is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).   She believes we are all given gifts of the Spirit at our baptism.  Her spiritual gift is to be set aside for full-time vocational ministry. She has the joy of being Christ’s ambassador for the Church sharing the love and mercy of Christ with the gracious support of a local congregation. She loves the work she is called to do.

Pastor Tracy grew up in Northeast Ohio. she is a Graduate of Walsh College in Canton, Ohio with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Management, Lexington Theological Seminary in Lexington, Kentucky with a Master of Divinity Degree.

Previously Pastor Tracy has served as Pastor of First Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) in Bethany, Illinois, and Associate Pastor of Union Avenue Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) in Litchfield, Illinois. She likes cooking, chocolate, shoes, and reading. Oh, and lots and lots of coffee. She can often be found working in the chapel at St. Arbucks. She likes her chocolate dark and her coffee hot and black, unless its a Holiday Spice Flat White!

Pastor Tracy Siegman will be installed as Pastor of First Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) in Worship on Sunday May 7th, 2017.

Photo Courtesy: Donald Dixon


Photo Courtesy: Donald Dixon


First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)