News and Events

Outreach News

On behalf of Outreach, I would like to thank everyone who has made this Christmas season a very joyful time for many within our community. After giving out boxes of food prior to Christmas, we were able to deliver bags and bags of toys to the Center of Hope for Women and Children (Hope House). Toys not distributed during the holidays will be used for several months as new children enter the homeless shelter. Hats and mittens were donated to elementary school children. Additionally, I would like to thank the Outreach volunteers, Linda Poynter, Judy Andrews, and Lois Hafer. Paulette McCandless and Mary Bob Powers also stepped up to help when needed. Thank you to all!
Next up: February is a great month to hold our annual Undie Sunday Drive. Our tradition is to collect new underwear and socks for the children attending Rosa Parks Elementary School as well as the youth who reside at the Center of Hope for Women and Children (Hope House). Needs continue for many children within our community and we would appreciate your help in overflowing our blue giving tub in the narthex.

CWF News




The CWF Executive Board will meet on Saturday, January

23rd at 10:00 am.

CWF wishes to thank our members and our church family for

all of their support for our various projects throughout this

past year. Our projects have included: Blanket Sunday,

Blessing Boxes, the Soup and Salad Luncheon, the shower for

the Middletown Community Pregnancy Center, making up

Hospitality Bags for hospital patients’ families, giving gifts to

homeless families at Christmas, and making centerpieces for

our fellowship dinners.

Thank You

I would like to thank Pastor Nik for his visit while I recuperated

from my latest surgery. Also thanks for the cards and most for

the prayers from my church family. Thank You! I am now using

only a cane. I hope to not need that soon.


Thanks you again,

Guy Stone

Transition Team Update




Your Transition Team met and reviewed the survey responses

from the congregational meeting. As a result, the following

were decided:

  • Evaluate having coffee time following worship. There will

be no greeting during regular worship. Membership is

asked to coordinate any coffees.

  •  Nancy Schaefer will coordinate a sign-up sheet for

members to meet for lunch following worship.

  • SuAnne Farkas will coordinate a “reunion” for younger

members who have graduated high school in the last 10-

15 years to encourage our youth to participate.

  • There will be a carry-in lunch following worship on 10

January 2016. Purpose is to begin the “Prayer Triads”.

More will be coming on this in the future. Transition Team

will coordinate.

  •  We will have a “Souper Bowl” following worship on 7

February 2016. This will give members an opportunity to

share a favorite soup or a chili. Prizes will be awarded.


In addition to the obvious, one concern expressed in the

surveys was a general lack of commitment on the part of our

overall membership. Where do you fall in that thought??

Advance Winter Retreat

12485862_10207418859966382_6384718925791555298_oOur own Kaitlin Thompson attended Advance Winter Retreat January 1st-3rd at Camp Christian in Magnetic springs, Ohio. They had a theme of “Change.” Keynote Speaker Ali Kennedy-Miguel, Commissioned Youth Minister at First Christian Church of Medina discussed how each of us deals with Internal Change & explored how to remain faithful to God & ourselves as we make our New Year’s Resolutions.  Micah & Becky Baird brought in musical aspects to our Bible Study and worship..

January 17th Carry-in

Sunday, January 17th we will have a carry-in luncheon following worship so that we can be introduced to some spiritual formation opportunities that will lead to the formation of “Prayer Triads.”Screen-shot-2013-09-05-at-10.56.16-AM

Something To Chew On, Issue V

Christmas has come and gone and now our thoughts turn to the next

significant holiday of this season, New Year’s Day. Let’s forget about the parties

and gatherings that may occur on New Year’s Eve. Instead, think about the full

meaning of the New Year.

Despite all of the electronic gadgets that we may possess like smart phones,

tablets, e-readers, computer generated games, let alone computers in and of

themselves; we may have forgotten about a basic teaching tool that has been used

in many a classroom, the chalk board. Early versions of these boards were made

from slate. Many of us may have had the task of not only erasing what had been

written on these boards, but wiping them off for their next use.

The New Year marks a time to start with a clean slate. Put aside unfulfilled

intentions, regrets for things not done or unkind words spoken. Part of starting

with a clean slate is to truly keep the resolutions that we have or may make as we

begin the New Year.

I would hope and pray that you might consider the ways in which you can be

more faithful to what God has called you to do: joining regularly with His church

family in worship and prayer; making time to spend some moments reading His

word; reaching out to those whose needs are going unmet; extending a welcoming

invitation to your neighbors and friends to join you in worship.

Certainly, the opportunities and the list could continue. I entrust that each of

you will start with your own clean slate.


Pastor Nik

Something to Chew On, Issue IV

The word for this week of Christmas is encounter. For weeks now we have

been preparing, anticipating, expecting. Those preparations may have involved

shopping, decorating, having fellowship with different groups. All of this leads up to

what occurs this week.

Over the past four weeks we have lighted the four candles on the Advent

Wreath; the first symbolizing prophecy; the second symbolizing Bethlehem; the

third symbolizing the Shepherds, and the fourth symbolizing the glorious message

of the angels

One candle remains to be lighted on Christmas Eve, the Christ Candle. I pray

that you will carve out some time to join us as we hear the story, relight the Advent

Candles, and end as we all light our own candles after we have partaken of the

sacred emblems of Holy Communion.

May your own hearts and spirits truly encounter the babe in a manger who

becomes the Savior of the world.

The words of the following carol say it best:

What Child is this, who, laid to rest,

On Mary’s lap is sleeping,

Whom angels greet with anthems sweet,

While shepherds watch are keeping?

This, this id Christ the King,

Whom shepherds guard and angels sing;

Haste, haste to bring him laud,

The babe, the son of

Pastor Nik

Nik’s Nook- December 2015


It seems hard to believe that Christmas and the

celebration of one of the most significant moments in

history is upon us. Over the last three Sundays, we

have explored the promise offered by the prophets,

making room for Him in our hearts and lives as we

recalled the inhospitality that greeted Mary and Joseph.

At least they were provided with a stable where the

savior of the world could be born in the lowliest of

places. This past Sunday, we were reminded of that

stunning announcement that came to the shepherds

and their reaction of sheer joy and wonder.

This coming Sunday, we will celebrate as the

children and youth share their special program with us.

All of this will come to a close when you are

invited to join us for a special service of Candlelight

and Communion on Christmas Eve at 7:00 p.m.

Yet it does not end there as we gather the

Sunday following Christmas to continue the celebration

of that sacred gift, God’s Son and our Savior.

On another note, I marvel at all of your outreach

efforts to serve those in need and to help make this

special holiday take on a deeper meaning for those less


Again, my deep gratitude to all of you for your

love, support, and acceptance as we work together to

realize God’s mission for First Christian Church.

I wish all of you the most blessed and wonderful


With His Love,

Pastor Nik

Something to Chew On, Issue III

Think about attachment and detachment for a moment. We become attached

to a significant other, our children, our work, and the list could go on.

What about attachment to pastors and the church they seek to serve? Yes,

we may come to love a pastor. The problem is: they come and go. A pastor’s

tenure can be for many years or shorter. When they depart we are confronted with

detachment. Will it be the same with the next pastor? Most likely, it will not

because they bring with themselves their personality, their style, and their

approach to ministry. Yet, a new pastor can mean excitement and the joy of

establishing a relationship how ever temporary it may be.

Did you ever consider that a pastor goes through the same joy of attachment

and the pain of detachment? In my forty-five plus years of ministry, I have served

a total of ten congregations including my student church while I was in seminary

and the three interim ministries since retirement. In each of these congregations I

have become attached to the members. I have loved them as we have worked

together in ministry. Whenever I have left a congregation there has been pain and

loss through detachment. However, I did not give up on ministry simply because of

the pain of detachment. I knew God had bigger plans with the excitement of a new

congregation to which I have been called to serve.

In my short time with you I have come to love you and appreciate the

possibilities of ministry that God has in store for us

Will you allow the pain of detachment to keep you from fully being a part of

First Christian Church or will you embrace the wonderful ministries that we can do



Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)