News and Events

New Member

On Sunday, May 17, Earl Andre came forward to rededicate his faith and join FCC-Middletown.  Please hold Earl in your prayers as he joins us in ministry.  Invite him to join you to your next activity.

Earl’s contact information:

118 Bavarian St., Apt. C

Middletown, OH 45044

(513) 393-4328


Please keep Dave and Linda Lombard and their family in your prayers.  Their brother-in-law, Bill, began his eternal life on Tuesday, June 9.  Services were held on Tuesday, June 16 in Youngstown.

Please keep Marilyn Strong and her family in your prayers.  Marilyn’s son, Ed, began his eternal life on Tuesday, June 9.  Services were held on Monday, June 15 in Sabina.

Directory Corrections

Please make the following changes in the most recently published Membership Directory:

Sharon Sparks:          (513) 422-6156

Betty Stacy:

Also, review your copy for any additional corrections.

Otter Camp

June 21-27 is Otter Camp at Camp Christian.  Those attending are:  Angel Dearth, Daria Dearth, and MacKenzie Lovin.  Volunteering his time as counselors are Ginger Alley, Kelsey Byrd, Allison Byrd, and Mark Roe.  Our Pastor Laureen Roe serves as Otter Camp Director.  Please keep these individuals in your prayers throughout their church camp experiences.

Mail can be addressed to:

Camp Christian

10335 Maple Dell Rd.

Marysville, OH 43040

Wear Yellow

On June 28, please wear yellow.  It’s Laureen’s favorite.  Wearing yellow is another way to make the day extra special, and remind us all of the joy we have shared over the years.

Closing a Ministry

It is vitally important during the time of transition from the outgoing minister to the interim to the incoming minister that the need for closure by the congregation and minister be addressed.  A healthy departure allows for evaluation, celebration, grief work, forgiveness, and preparation for the continuing pastoral care of the congregation, the departing minister and his/her family.

The close relationships that develop during one’s ministry with a congregation make the process of professional separation and establishing a new relationship challenging. Clergy who have practiced the pattern of giving careful pastoral attention to the well–being of the congregation sometimes makes it difficult for clergy/congregation to let go.  Thus the outgoing minister does not seek to influence the search and call process, makes a clean break with the congregation, and does not attempt to continue participating in pastoral functions such as celebrating weddings and funerals, or making pastoral hospital visits and calls unless asked to do so by the current minister.  For their part, the interim minister and incoming minister commit to honoring the ministries of those who previously served the congregation.

Disciples’ ethical guideline is for the outgoing minister to separate from the congregation for a period of at least one year after the arrival of the new minister.


FCC-Middletown Congregation,

Karen Powers and I have met with Rev. Steve Bentley, Regional Associate Minister.  At that meeting, we discussed how best to proceed with ministerial support after Laureen’s departure.  We agreed that the best approach would be to bring in an interim minister to guide us, to assist us and to lead us once we begin the search for our full-time pastor.  Steve presented us with resumes of potential candidates for the position of interim minister.  I met with the 2015-2016 elders (this group included Karen) and we discussed the potential candidates strengths and weaknesses as we saw them as a fit for FCC-Middletown.  The Elders selected one individual that they felt might be a good fit.  I have called him to discuss setting up an online interview.  He informed me another church had scheduled an interview with him this weekend.  I will follow-up on the results of this interview and report to the elders.  Should this individual not be available, Steve Bentley informed Karen and me that he would provide additional resumes.  As this is a very important stage in the future of

FCC-Middletown, we will proceed carefully to find the best individual to lead us into our next phase.  I will keep you updated as we move forward.

Larry Steele

Moderator Elect


CWF is having an end of year picnic on June 16th at Marilyn Chamberlain’s home.  Sarah Circle had dinner at Olive Garden on June 8th.  They will again have dinner out on August 10th at a time and place to be determined.

We will be giving out our community funds this month to a local charitable organization.  This will be voted on by our Executive Board.


As of June 14th, we had a total of $96,152 in pledges for the coming fiscal year.  If you have not made a pledge and wish to do so, there will be additional pledge cards available on Sunday, June 21st.  Pledges may be dropped in the offering plate or put into the Treasurer’s mailbox at church.  Thank you to all who have made a pledge for this coming year.  Offering envelopes will be available the next two Sundays in the narthex.


Our Music Director, Rachel Eve Davis will be directing a bell choir this summer.

Rehearsals will be Sundays beginning in June at 11:15AM following worship. If interested, please sign up on the sign-up sheet on bulletin board above water fountain. Come join the fun, and make a joyful noise unto our Lord.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)