News and Events


On Sunday, June 14 the Officers below were elected by the congregation to serve for the 2015-16 church year.

Moderator:          Larry Steele

Vice-Moderator:  Larry Chamberlain

Secretary:             Natalie Byrd

Treasurer:            Marilyn Chamberlain

Financial Secretary:  Tim Powers

Elders:                  Roger Byrd; Karen Powers

Deacons:              Emily Spears; Ed Farkas; SuAnne Farkas; Brenda Milburn

Trustee:                David Lombard

Historian:            Don Dixon


On 28 June 2015, our pastor,

Laureen, will lead us for the last time.

Following worship, we will have a reception to celebrate the ministry Laureen and her family have done for the nine plus years they all have been a part of the family here at FCC-Middletown.  In addition, the General Board feels it only fitting to show her our appreciation with a monetary gift.  If you would like to contribute to this Love Offering, please send your gift to the church or place it in the offering plate by Sunday, June 21.  If you write a check, make it out

to First Christian Church and note that it is for Laureen’s gift.  Thank you so very much,

General Board of FCC-Middletown

General Assembly News

A Theme To Call Us into Ministry

31 But those who hope in the Lord     will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;     they will run and not grow weary,     they will walk and not be faint. (Is. 40:28-31, NIV)

You can still register for General Assembly. It’s not too late. Register for the whole assembly or for only part. Go to

The Assembly promises to be filled with inspiring worship, fellowship and learning as disciples from all over gather at Christ’s Table.

Property Thanks!

On Saturday, May 2 volunteers spent time working inside and outside the church. Flowers were planted, trees/bushes trimmed and cut down, grass cut, kitchen cupboards cleaned, office cabinets organized, mulch spread, and much more. Thank you to all who gave of themselves: Larry Chamberlain, Marilyn Chamberlain, Dave Lombard, Linda Lombard, Helen Morgan, Karen Powers, Tim Powers, Linda Poynter, Billy Poynter, Lora Schueller, Dave Schueller, Charlotte Steele, Larry Steele, Carl Tarbox, and Cathy Treadway


Sunday, May 10 was a GLORIOUS day here in God’s House! Four of our youth were baptized into the Christian faith: Daria Dearth, Gretchen Lemmert, Renee Lyons, and Jillian Schatzley. Please shower these young ladies with your love, prayers and support as they grow in the faith.

baptisms(Pictured L to R: Gretchen Lemmert, Jillian Schatzley, Renee Lyons, Daria Dearth, Rev. Roe)



Ribbit Camp

June 7 – 10 is Ribbit Camp at Camp Christian. Attending these days of camp for 2nd-4th graders are Owen Lyons and Nick Otis. Volunteering their time as counselors are Ginger Alley and Matt Lyons. Our Pastor Laureen Roe serves as Ribbit Camp Director. Please keep these individuals in your prayers throughout their church camp experiences. Mail can be addressed to Camp Christian, 10335 Maple Dell Rd., Marysville, OH 43040.

Bell Choir

If you’ve got rhythm, then FCC has music for you to play in the Handbell Choir!  For the experienced ringer or for one who’d just like to give ringing a try, there’s a place for you this summer. Our Music Director, Rachel Eve Davis will be directing a bell choir this summer. Rehearsals will be Sundays beginning in June at 11:15AM following worship. If interested, please sign up on the sign-up sheet on bulletin board above water fountain. Come join the fun, and make a joyful noise unto our Lord.

Worship Accompanist

It is with mixed emotions that the church has accepted the resignation of Katherine Garringer as Worship Accompanist effective May 24th. Katherine has shared her most wonderful musical gifts with us since last August. Katherine has been working as a solo performer of her original music for some time now and has a desire to put her efforts into making a career of doing that. She plans to give it a try in the future in Nashville which is really exciting! We thank her for her service to our church and wish her success in her future.

Camp Christian Workday

Saturday, May 16, 2015

After a long winter there’s a lot of spring cleaning to be done to get Camp Christian back in shape for the summer and each year we Men make it part of our Ministry and Mission to help ready the camp for the summer season and the campers and conferees to come. And thanks to some generous donations to cover the cost of food there is no cost for Saturday meals. Please RSVP online at even if you are just coming on Saturday so that we may plan for the meals and the work projects.

Past work has included mowing, weed-whacking, plumbing, retrieving picnic bench building, painting, and sweeping, No matter your age or ability there’s something you can do! Nobody is too young or too old to lend a hand.


A huge thank you to the entire congregation on behalf of the General Board. Our Rafflemania/Quarter Auction event on May 5 netted us $802 toward camp fees for our children and youth. We had many compliments on the quality of our donated raffle items. It was a fun event for a very worthwhile cause.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)