News and Events

Collecting Ink Cartridges

We are accepting used printer cartridges again, beginning immediately. Office staff will collect them and take them to Staples for recycling. We will get $2.00 for each cartridge and that money will be used to purchase office supplies at Staples. Look for a box under the coat rack by the restrooms. Thanks for doing your part to recycle and help the church with the cost of supplies.

Kaitlin Goes on UN Seminar

February 20 – March 1, Kaitlin T. will be traveling with the Christian Church in Ohio along with juniors and seniors from all Ohio to New York City and Washington, D.C. The youth will worship at the National City Christian Church; visit the Holocaust Museum, the Washington Cathedral; tour the White House and Capitol Building; meet with local Senators; tour and sit-in on briefings at the United Nations in NYC; plus much more. During the trip the youth will discuss issues related to faith and politics. Kaitlin will share her experience with the congregation when she returns. Please keep all going on the UN Seminar in your prayers.

CYF State Youth Convention

March 13 – 15, our CYF youth will be traveling to Camp Christian for the CYF State Youth Convention. Youth from all over Ohio will be gathering for a weekend of faith building, worship, and fellowship. Theme for the weekend is Ministry… Me? Cost for the weekend is $65. Applications can be found at Mark Roe will be going as a counselor. See him if you have any questions.

Youth Sunday

Youth Sunday will be April 26. The children and youth of our congregation will lead us in worship on this special day. Please make sure your children/grandchildren (ages 5 years old through 12th grade) are at church in the coming weeks as we begin to plan and learn music and parts. We will have a special Lock-in April 10-11 to learn about what it means to worship and to work through all the pieces of Youth Sunday. Of course, there will be fun and games during the Lock-in as well. Our final rehearsal for Youth Sunday will be on Saturday April 25, 10AM-12N.  Please mark these dates on your calendar.

youth sunday next gen_t_nv

Men’s Rally

The Disciples Men’s Fellowship Rally is on Sunday, March 1 at Central Christian Church in Kettering, Ohio. The event begins at 3PM. Cost for this year’s Rally is $5.00 per person paid at the door. Please let Matt Lyons know by February 22 if you plan to attend (they need a count for dinner). In the event of snow/icy weather on the day of the Rally and a call is made to postpone, the Rally will be held on March 22.

Journey 2 Jerusalem

Journey2Jerusalem FB


During the weeks leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion, he was journeying toward Jerusalem.  On Palm Sunday, we celebrate his triumphal entry into this holy city.  Jesus has his Last Supper with the disciples in an upper room in Jerusalem.  On Good Friday, Jesus was crucified on hill on the outskirts of Jerusalem.     Lent is a holy time of remembering and focusing on the events that took place in this holy city and Jesus’ journey to the cross.

This year, you are invited to participate in a special Journey to Jerusalem.  It is 6,171 miles from Middletown, Ohio to Jerusalem.  Beginning February 18 (first day of Lent) you are invited to track your miles/time exercising and your time spent in prayerful devotion.  On Sundays, you will report these and we will track our collective Journey to Jerusalem in the Narthex/Lobby.  Here’s how it will work:

1 mile (running, walking, cycling, skiing, etc.) = 1 mile to Jerusalem

5 minutes other exercise (strength training, yoga, silver sneekers, etc.) = 1 mile to Jerusalem

5 minutes of prayer and devotions = 1 mile to Jerusalem

For example:

Run 6 miles = 6 miles to Jerusalem

1 hour of yoga = 12 miles to Jerusalem

30 minutes of prayer/devotion = 6 miles to Jerusalem

1 ½ hours Bible Study = 18 miles to Jerusalem

This journey is designed to help us deepen our relationships with God and Jesus Christ by focusing on mind, body and spirit throughout Lent.  It might be helpful to do this with a partner or with a small group within the congregation.  Partners and teams will provide support and help keep you accountable.  Together we can complete the Journey to Jerusalem.

Undie Sunday

Sunday, February 15 is our annual Undie Sunday Drive.
We will be collecting new underwear and socks for children attending Rosa Parks Elementary School as well as the youth who reside at the Center of Hope for Women and Children (Hope House). The needs of many children in our community are continual and we look forward to helping by providing new clothing items. Donations may be placed in our blue giving tub in the narthex. A majority of children within our community have many ongoing needs and we look forward to taking this opportunity to help. Our goal is to overflow our blue giving tub in the narthex.

Undie Sunday

CHILI BOWL Postponed

CHILI BOWL postponed 2015

Due to the winter storm warning coming our way Saturday into Sunday, we are postponing our CHILI BOWL. It has been rescheduled for Sunday, February 8 @ 11:15AM.

Valentine Discipleship Day

Come join us for another Discipleship Day full of “LOVE” on Saturday, February 14, 2015 from 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.  This event is for all children and youth, hosted by the Christian Education Team.  We will have an afternoon and evening full of fun activities and crafts surrounding 1 Corinthians 13.  Dinner and snacks will be provided, so this gives all our “LOVE BIRD” parents/grandparents a chance to go out for Valentine’s Day.   If you have any questions, please contact Lora Schueller or Mary Helen Shetter.  Hope to see all of our youth there!!


Discipleship Day Feb 2015 - web

January CWF News

CWF invites the congregation to a showing of the movie “Heaven Is For Real” on January 17th at 2:00 pm at the church.  CWF Executive Board will meet at 1:00 pm prior to the film showing.  After the film, all are invited to the fellowship hall for light refreshments and discussion of the movie.

Heaven is for Real


On January 25th we will have Blanket Sunday during our morning worship service.  This fund helps families in need in our country and abroad during a crisis.  We will have special envelopes available for your contributions.

On January 11th, Hannah Circle met for lunch in fellowship hall and put together care kits for the women at the Women’s and Children’s Center.  We thank them for their continuing care for our community.

Sarah Circle did not meet in January, but will resume our regular meetings on February 9thEsther-Rebekah Circle is continuing with their regularly scheduled meetings, and meet next on February 4th.  If anyone has transportation problems getting to a circle meeting, please call your circle leaders and we will do our best to arrange transportation for you.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)