News and Events

Worship Theme Team

We are currently planning for Lent.  If you would like to be a part of the Lent theme team or a theme team in the future, please contact Ginger Alley or Tina Yarber (Worship Ministry Co-Chairpersons).   Our next Theme Team meeting will be Wednesday, January 28 at 4PM.

January Outreach News

Outreach giving was extremely successful during the holiday season and we are fortunate to have a congregation who believes in sharing.  Thank you!  We are looking forward to February 15 when we will have our annual Undie Sunday drive.  February is the month when we will be collecting new underwear and socks for the children attending Rosa Parks Elementary School as well as the youth who reside at the Center of Hope for Women and Children (Hope House).   A majority of children within our community have many ongoing needs and we look forward to taking this opportunity to help.  Our goal is to overflow our blue giving tub in the narthex.

School Supply Collection

School Supplies

Now through February 1, we are collecting school supplies for Central Academy.  Mid-way through the year many of the supplies needed are running out.  Many teachers use their own money to purchase the necessary supplies.  Let’s help them out.  Bring in any of the items below and we will deliver to Central Academy.

Items Needed: Tissue boxes, Inexpensive ear buds from the Dollar Store, Gallon plastic baggies, Quart plastic baggies, Boxes of Markers/crayons, Pencils Yellow No. 2, D batteries for science, Spiral notebooks, Hand wipes and/or disinfecting wipes


Lenten Bible Study

Bible StudyJoin us for a Lenten Bible Study on Wednesday mornings 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon beginning February 18.  Pastor Roe will guide us through the Gospel John.  Only book you need is your Bible.  If you would like to participate in an evening session, please contact Pastor Roe.

Chili Bowl

Chili Bowl Resch 2015

Our Annual Chili Bowl is Sunday, Feb. 8.  Time to get your game on!  Be ready to compete, ready to put your best pot forward.  Bring your chili, bring your appetite and enjoy good fun with your church family.  Muffin tins have proven to be a good way to sample the many, many pots of chili that are competing.  If chili’s not your forte, bring a dessert to share.  Desserts will not be judged, simply enjoyed.  Donations will be received to support our CYF mission projects.

Week of Compassion

WoC 2015Week of Compassion


February 15 and 22 we will be collecting offerings for the Disciples strongest mission arm – Week of Compassion.  For 70 years, Week of Compassion has made a difference in the lives of people and communities around the world by pooling resources, leveraging funds and serving through partnerships.  Gifts given through this special offering empower people in poverty to learn a trade, raise their own food, and grow in faith. United in Christ, we help to provide access to healthy food, good education, excellent health care, and shelter after devastating storms.  Each time a gift is given a connection is made that builds a bridge or tears down walls.  Each resource shared answers God’s call to love our neighbor, because in Christ Jesus, we are one family.  Please give generously.  Want to know more go to

December Outreach

We have so much to be thankful for and the giving within our congregation is a way of expressing our gratitude to God.  With your help, we filled and distributed boxes of food at Thanksgiving.  We began decorating our Hat and Mitten Tree and are in the mist of collecting food for families who are in need of a helping hand at Christmas.  We are sharing our blessings by collecting gifts for children who reside at the Center of Hope for Women and Children (Hope House).  As we become more aware of the challenges in the lives of these children, we want to take every opportunity to give them something they can call their own.  Your continued generosity is making all of this possible.  Thank You!!!

Mitten Tree



Have a Very Hippie Christmas

Have a very hippie Christmas_tOur children’s Christmas program, Have a Very Hippie Christmas, was groovy, right-on, and far out!  Thank you to all the children who participated:

Narrators:  Renee Lyons & Tyler Hendricks

Mary:  Stella Lyons

Joe:  Ethan Otis

Heavenly Angel:  Jillian Schatzley

Angels:  Andie Andress, Navy Andress, Cassie Riley, Micah Wright & Kash Wright

Innkeepers:  Angel Dearth, Daria Dearth & Travis Hendricks

Cool Cats:  Nicholas Otis, Haley Adkins & Cayedinn Burggraf

Royal Dudes:  Loren Burton, Mason Lyons, Owen Lyons & Owen Lyons

From making the cool VW bus to directing rehearsals, Lora Schueller and Mary Helen Shetter brought everything together.  Their tireless efforts and giving spirits are a blessing to our children and youth.  THANK YOU!!!  The music rocked!  Thanks to Rachel Eve Davis and Katherine Garringer for leading our youth choir.  We also thank all those who helped with technical support, set up and clean up:  Dave Schueller, Mark Roe, Larry Steele, Sidney Burton, Don Dixon, Mike Cockerham, Tim Powers, Larry Chamberlain, Angie Otis and Sarah Andress.

Central Academy Day of Giving

         On Thursday, December 18 we will be recipients of helpful hands from Central Academy (the school next door) from 9:30-10:30 a.m.  Students will walk over to the church and help us with some final preparations for Christmas:  cleaning, preparing candles, assembling luminaries, etc.  We need a few extra adult hands to guide the students.  Volunteers are needed 9:00-11:00 a.m.  Please contact Laureen if you are available to help.

Christmas Eve

chrseve_2232cCandlelight Worship

Wednesday, December 24 at 7:00 p.m., you are invited to a special worship service to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We will enter the sanctuary as God’s family and hear again the sacred scriptures, sing our praises to God through song, remember the joy of salvation through communion, and celebrate the true LIGHT of the world through the lighting of candles.  Make sure you are here for this very special night.  Bring your family, friends and neighbors as we welcome the birth of a newborn King.


Invite Someone for Christmas

The Christmas season is here and it’s one of the best times of the year to reach the un-churched, the de-churched and those who have fallen away from church.  Why?  Because we are celebrating with joy, and we are celebrating a baby.  These are things that open people’s hearts to the possibility of coming to church.   It’s time to seize the season!  Get out there and begin inviting.

As we celebrate this year, invite someone new to join you.  Guiding someone into a relationship with God and Jesus Christ is the best gift you could ever give them.  It is after all, a gift that gives into eternity.



One of our favored Christmas Eve traditions is the numerous luminaries that light the way into the church.  We need volunteers to set these out during the day on Dec. 24, a few other volunteers to light them around 6:00p.m., and a few more volunteers to clean them up after our Candlelight Worship is over.  The students from Central Academy will assemble them.  Please contact Laureen if you can help with any of these luminary tasks.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)