News and Events

Youth Choir

youth choir_tYouth ages 1st through 8th grades are invited to join our Youth Choir.  Rehearsals begin September 7 immediately following worship.  Our Youth Choir will sing in worship on the first Sunday of each month.  If you have questions, please contact Rachel Eve Davis, Youth Choir Director (

School Supplies Collection

School SuppliesOutreach continues to focus on providing school supplies to children attending Rosa Parks Elementary School as school doors will again be opening in just a few weeks.  Please make donations of school supplies: pencils, rulers, paper, crayons, glue, etc., we have found there is always a need for tissues and hand sanitizers.    For many children at Rosa Parks Elementary this is the only way they have the supplies they need.  So, please give generously.  Thank you!

Deacon Picnic

Deacon PicnicOn Sunday, August 17 the Deacons are invited to the home of Mark & Laureen Roe for a picnic.  The Roes will provide main course and drinks.  Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Worship Series: Healing

Some of the most powerful stories in the Gospels are the ones when Jesus heals – body, mind, spirit.  Throughout our lives we need healing – these times are important in our journey with

God and Jesus Christ.  Let’s hear the stories of Jesus and tell our own healing stories – heal together, grow together.

July 6        Matthew 8:1-4            Jesus cleanses leper

                  Matthew 8:5-13          Jesus heals Centurion’s servant

                  Matthew 8:14-17        Jesus heals many at Peter’s house

July 13     Matthew 8:28-9:1      Gadarene Demoniacs

July 20    Matthew 9:2-8           Jesus heals paralytic

Aug 3       Matthew 9:18-26       Jesus brings girls back to life

                                                     Hemorrhaging woman healed

Aug 10     Matthew 12:9-21      Jesus heals on the Sabbath

Aug 17      Luke 17:19                 Jesus heals 10 lepers

Aug 24     Matthew 15:21-31    Jesus heals Canaanite daughter

Discipleship Day

Saturday, June 14 10a.m. – 4p.m. we will gather at the church for our first ever Discipleship Day.  Think camp-style revival.  The day will begin in the sanctuary with singing and celebrating followed by activities and teachings for all ages.  The children will be involved in VBS type activities while the adults are engaged in in-depth Bible study.  Everyone will gather together for opening, lunch and closing worship.  Great opportunity to re-energize your faith and spend the day connecting with your church family.Discipleship Day June 2014

Worship on the Beach

Worship on the BeachSunday, May 18 as part of our journey with the disciples and Jesus in resurrected form, we are going to have breakfast and worship on the beach.  At 9:00 a.m. everyone is invited to breakfast in the fellowship hall.  Following breakfast at 10:00 a.m., we will begin a very special time of worship as we explore Jesus’ breakfast on the beach with the disciples (John 21:1-14).  Worship will be in the fellowship hall.

In keeping with the beach theme, everyone is encouraged to wear beach party attire – Hawaiian shirts, flip flops (no swimsuits).  Fun clothes, but keep in mind they should be appropriate for church.

YSE Breakfast

YSE BreakfastOn Sunday, May 18 at 9:00 a.m. all youth and their encouragers will gather for breakfast.  During the breakfast, the adults who ahve been secretly lifting prayers, encouraging and supporting our youth will meet their youth face to face.  In the past, the breakfast has been for encouragers and youth only.  but, this year breakfast is for EVERYONE!  This is a very special day and it begins with breakfast at 9:00a.m.  Make sure to join us.

Youth Sunday

Youth Sunday2Join us for a very special Mother’s Day worship – YOUTH SUNDAY.  Our children and youth will lead our worship centered on the theme We are God’s Family.  Worship begins at 10:00a.m.  This is the perfect opportunity to invite your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to worship.

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

church picnic_t_ntFirst Christian is holding its’ first ever “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” event on May 17th at 6:00 p.m.  This is an event designed for our membership to become better acquainted.  The premise is a group of “hosts” entertain a random and secret group of guests.  Signup sheets will be made available to choose if you would like to be a guest, a host, or either. The Hosts will be chosen and notified of the number attending their dinner (not to exceed 6 persons).  The names and assignments of the guests will be kept confidential until the day before the dinner. The coordinators will email or call the guests and let them know the address of dinner. The host will provide the main course and beverages; the guests will be assigned either a side dish or dessert. The tighter the secret the more fun.  Let the fun begin!!

Summer Camp

Summer Camp at Camp Christian in Magnetic Springs, Ohio is not far away. There are camps for youth kindergarten through 29 years old. Dates and more information on camps can be found at Registration Forms are available in the church office or at Once you have completed the registration form, return it to the church office along with half of the registration fee (church pays ½ fee and camper pays ½ fee). Checks should be made payable to First Christian Church. If you have any questions, please contact Laureen. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE IN THE OFFICE BY EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 20.
Chi Rho Camp: June 8 – 14, 2014
CYF Conference: June 15 – 21, 2014
Otter Camp: June 22 – 28, 2014
Ribbit Camp: June 29 – July 2, 2014
CYF Conference: July 6 – 12, 2014
Chi Rho Camp: July 13 – 19, 2014
CYF Conference: July 20 – 26, 2014
Chi Rho Camp: July 27 – August 2, 2014
Advance Conference: August 3 – 10, 2014
Ribbit Camp: completed 2nd – 4th grades*
Otter Camp: completed 3rd – 5th grades*
Chi Rho Camp: completed 6th – 8th grades
CYF Conference: completed 9th-12th grades
Advance Confer.: post high school – 29 yrs old
* Note: 3rd and 4th graders have a choice between Ribbit and Otter Camp, but cannot attend both camps. Ribbit camp is ½ week long.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)