News and Events

Sock Collection

socksJoin us for First Sunday Mission Day on March 2. We have all been impacted by the extreme cold temperatures this winter but not nearly as hard as the homeless in our area. As a result, Outreach will be collecting socks for men, women and children from this Sunday through March 2nd. We invite you to add to our collection of new socks and join us immediately following worship on the first Sunday in March. At that time we will be adding prayer cards to each pair of socks to be given to individuals temporarily staying at Hope House and the Hope House Center for Women and Children in Middletown.

Lenten Book Study

the questionTuesdays during Lent, Rev. Roe will lead a book study on Philip Yancey’s book, The Question That Never Goes Away: Why. Yancey addresses the challenges to faith in the face of extraordinary pain, random suffering, and extreme tragedy. All of these cause us to ask “Really, God?!” If the question “Why?” nags at your spirit, join us for this deep exploration of faith.  We are offering two group times:
Tuesdays @ 1:00 p.m.
Tuesdays @ 7:00 p.m.
Groups will begin March 11. You can purchase the book at Current cost is $11.55. If you do not wish to purchase the book, you are still welcome to participate in a group.

Outreach February Collection

During February, Outreach is asking for donations of soup and crackers and all your support is greatly appreciated.Outreach Soup & Crackers

Salad Luncheon

Salad Lunch 2014

CWF’s annual Soup and Salad Luncheon will be held on Monday, March 17th this year.  We will be calling members of the congregation for assistance with food items and also we will need help in the kitchen with serving and clean-up that day.

Youth News

Youth NewsChi Rho & JYF 

                       Our Chi Rho middle school youth group and our JYF elementary school youth group will meet February 9 and 23, 12:00-2:00p.m.  Lunch is provided.  If you have questions, please contact Mary Helen Shetter.


CYF & Chi Rho to Serve SHALOM

                       On Sunday, February 16 our CYF high school youth and our Chi Rho middle school youth will be serving SHALOM.  The youth will meet at FCC at 4:00p.m. to prepare dinner.  They will then travel down the road to Christ United Methodist Church to serve the guests of SHALOM.  Following dinner the youth will stay until 10:00p.m. and play board games, shoot hoops, etc. with SHALOM guests.


Chi Rho Lock-in

                       After serving SHALOM on February 16, the Chi Rho youth will return to FCC for a lock-in.  If the schools decide to use February 17 (President’s Day) as a make-up snow day, the lock-in will be cancelled.

Worship Theme Teams

We are currently planning for Lent.  If you would like to be a part of the Lent theme team or a theme team in the future, please contact Ginger Alley or Linda Lombard (Worship Ministry Co-Chairpersons).

Our Storybook

As part of our journey through Jesus’ parables, we would like you to share your personal God stories.  Take some time and think about when there has been a time in your life when God has moved powerfully in your life, a moment when God touched your heart, or a special time when your faith grew.  Then write the story down and give to Linda Lombard (Worship Ministry Co-Chairperson), put in the Worship mailbox outside the office, or email to .  You can also share your story in the comment section below.  We will compile all the stories into a special FCC God Storybook.  Copies of the storybook will be made and shared as part of Lent.  Deadline for stories is Feb. 23.

Stories of Jesus

February 16 – March 2, we will explore Stories of Jesus as our worship theme.  The scripture texts will be from the parables Jesus’ shared during his life and ministry.  There are a lot of parables.  So, in order to plan for worship and accompanying sermons, we would like to know your favorite parable.  The top three will be used for sermons.  The others will be used in creative ways throughout worship.  Please write down your favorite parable and give to Laureen or send it to  Thanks!

Worship & CE Update

In December, we changed our Sunday morning schedule and moved to one worship service followed by CE classes.  Upon making this change, the Worship and Christian Education Ministry teams said they would assess the changes in January.  In recent weeks, feedback forms have been available for people to share their thoughts and experiences.  When our Worship and CE teams met to discuss these changes, the general consensus was that the schedule is going well.  A few adjustments have been made to worship and will continue to be made as we move forward in ministry.  Worship will be ever-changing as we move and grow as a people of God.  Overall sentiment is that as a church we like to be together in one worship service, but we express ourselves differently when worshipping.  Thus, our blended-style worship is relevant to who we are collectively as one in Christ. 

Ephesians Bible Study

Our Sunday morning Bible Study class will begin their study of Ephesians on Sunday, February 9.  The class meets Sundays at 11:15a.m. following worship in room 101.  Bring a friend and deepen your biblical knowledge within the fellowship of your church family.  Karen P. guides the study.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)