Tracy Talks IX

Thank you for your responses about my query regarding Bible study. Based on your
responses, Wednesday afternoons seem the best time for study for the most people.
Beginning Wednesday September 20th, I’ll have Bible study from 2 – 3 pm in the memorial

We’re going to try a study called The Wired Word. It is a weekly Bible study based on current
events. Each week, I’ll receive an e-mail from the publisher with a lesson based on something
that is going on in our world and is making the headlines. Unlike a book club or other Bible
studies, this will be an easy study for you to come when you can and not feel like you’re
missing a big piece of a study if you miss a week or 2.
I’ll receive a leader’s guide and a participant guide each week. I’ll make the participant guide
available to participants before the study. You can have it delivered via e-mail or you can pick
up a copy on Sunday morning for the study on Wednesday. You’ll need to read the lesson
about the current event before class. Then, on Wednesday afternoon, we’ll gather to read
Scripture and discuss the current event in light of Scripture. This will be a discussion based
class. If you’ve read your participant guide before study, we’ll have lots of time to talk.
If you’re interested in attending, please pick up your first lesson materials on Sunday,
September 17th in the narthex or let me know if you’d like to receive it via e-mail. If you can’t
make it to the study and you’d like to review the material at home in your private devotion time,
please feel free to take a copy. Please let me know if you are thinking about attending so I can
know how many to expect.

Tracy Talks VI

I posted a link to a podcast on the church’s Facebook page recently. If you don’t follow the
church on Facebook or didn’t get to listen to the podcast yet, here is the link: Thom Rainer is the host.
(You might remember his name from the book Autopsy of a Deceased Church that you studied
with Pastor Nik.) Thom Rainer and his guest Jonathan Howe talk about a community-focused
church and what its characteristics are. They say the nine characteristics are: reaches out to
the community leaders, intentionally are where the people are, frequent restaurants and coffee
houses in the community, help the community where they say they need it, are evangelistic,
are invitational and are involved in civic groups, political meetings and schools.
A friend shared this podcast last week. This podcast reinforces what we’re currently doing.
We’re shifting our focus outward. This month, the Elders and Board are doing community
interviews to ask: where do you need help? They’re interviewing civic leaders, public officials
and servants, and school leaders. We were evangelistic and invitational at the Rummage Sale
this weekend. You’re frequenting restaurants and coffee shops with me. We’re involved in
Rotary and Kiwanis. We’re doing all these things that Thom and Jonathan suggest are the
things that a community-focused church does. And, Jonathan says community-focused
churches are the churches of the future.

I’m very excited about the progress we’re making in discerning God’s vision. I hear excitement
and wonderful ideas from the Elders and Board as they share with me the conversations
they’ve had with community leaders. I can’t wait to share with you the outcome of the work
they’re doing. We still have some community leaders I’d like for us to interview that no one
has signed up to chat with. If you’re interested in helping with this step, please let me know.
I’ve got questions to guide the conversation. You can call or e-mail the person. It’s really easy
and inspiring.
In the coming weeks, please pray that God reveal through these conversations the work He is
calling us to do.

August Sermon Series; The Book of Revelation

August Sermon Series

“The Book of Revelation”

August 6th   Revelation 4:1-11  “Heavenly Worship”

August 13th     Revelation 5: 11-13       “The Scroll & The Lamb”

August 20th       Revelation 6: 1-8, 7:9-17      “The Seven Seals”

August 27th       Revelation 21: 1-7, 22: 1-5           “The New Heaven”

Join Us to hear Pastor Tracy give her message, Worship begins at 10:30 A.M.

Tracy Talks V

When I was visiting my family last weekend, my niece wanted me to come visit her at
work. She wanted me to see where she works and meet some of the people. She works at a
hotel with extended stay rooms. Many of the hotel’s clients stay for long periods while working
on a job assignment.
I met one of the guests Lazarus when I went to visit my niece. Lazarus is a Puerto Rican from
Miami who is staying at the hotel for the summer. He found a good contract job in the area
that will last several months. I spent some time talking to Lazarus about faith, work and
Lazarus shared with me a story of his mother’s faith. While pregnant with him, his mother’s
doctor told her he had died. Lazarus said it was common for women at that time in that area to
be told their babies had died. Lazarus’ mother believed in the promise of life more than her
doctor. She walked to another hospital to deliver her son. He was born a healthy baby boy
and his mother named him Lazarus for God had raised him from the dead. She had been told
he was dead but was born alive and well. Lazarus said there were many men his age named
Lazarus because their mothers had experienced the same thing. Their sons too had been
raised from the dead.

Our God is a God who offers new life to the dead and hope to the hopeless. I love to share
stories of people I meet who remind me of God’s goodness and love. I hope Lazarus’ story
brings you hope.

Tracy Talks IV

Walmart bags. Kroger bags. Meijer bags. It depends where you shop as to what you call
them. In my house, they’re Walmart bags regardless of the store from where they came.
Others call them Kroger bags regardless of the store from where they came. Whatever you
call them, we need them for the rummage sale. Please bring your bags this Sunday to church
to donate to the rummage sale. The hope is we’ll use lots of bags as shoppers tote away lots
of treasures.

Thank you all for your donations to the rummage sale. Please continue to bring them through
Friday, August 4th. If you are unable to bring them on a Sunday morning, please feel free to
contact me to make arrangements to bring them to the church at a time that is convenient to
you. There are forms in the bottom middle mailbox on the mailboxes hanging on the wall
outside the office for you to document your donations for tax purposes. The Salvation Army
and Goodwill websites have suggested amounts to claim per item.
There are sign-up sheets in the Narthex for you to volunteer to help during the hours and in the
manner you are able and available. We need helpers on Friday night to set up and Saturday
to assist shoppers. We need baked goods for the bake sale – we’re still working out when you
can bring those to the church.
The Hannah Circle has decided how they would like to use the funds raised. Fifty percent will
go to mission projects or organizations supported by the CWF circles. The other 50% will be
reserved for a fellowship event for the congregation. There are a couple ideas in the works for
that event. The hope is that we will not only raise funds for mission, but we’ll also raise
awareness of the church in the community.
Thank you to the Hannah Circle for organizing this event. Thank you for all the ways you are
all helping.

District 8 & 12 Men’s Rally June 25th

Disciple Men’s Rally


District 8 & 12 (Greater Dayton and Cincinnati)

June 25th, 2017

3:00 P.M.

Join Men from Disciples of Christ congregations from throughout Dayton and Cincinnati for fellowship and worship.

We will have a time of praise, worship, and fellowship.


The Reverend Dr. Tom Stephenson, Christian Church in Ohio Regional Moderator and Pastor of First Christian Church in Wilmington will be our speaker for this day of praise and fellowship.

The Rev. Dr. Tom Stephenson

Dinner will follow worship, Dinner cost is $5.00, payable at the event.


Please RSVP here by June 21st.


Celebration of Ministry

Celebration of Ministry

Join us Sunday April 30th for a Celebration of the Ministry

of Rev. Nik Donges as Interim Pastor of First Christian Church.

Nik began his ministry in Agust of 2015 and will conclude his ministry with us after worship on April 30th. We will thank him for his ministry and guidance through our interim period.


A reception will be held in his honor following worship.

Worship Photos 4-2-17

Thank You to Central Academy


A class from Central Academy joined us on Tuesday,
December 20th to help assemble luminaries, color the candle
holding disks, sharpen and replace some sanctuary pencils, and
fold bulletins and the newsletter. We are grateful for this
continuing partnership.

Something To Chew On, XXXX

Over the next month or so I will be opening my articles with insights from my

good friend and church consultant, George Bullard. I will be adding some comments

to what George has written in his book, Faith Soaring Churches.

“Congregations seeking to transform do not see placing coffee and donuts on

a table as sufficient for relationship building. While people may slow down to pick

up one or both, they do not necessarily have quality interaction with anyone. People

serving and talking are essential.

Coffee and donuts on a table without persons trained in hospitality interaction may

actually be a waste. Also, coffee and donuts is not the refreshments of champions.

Deeper thought needs to be given to the menu of items available. Healthy items are

essential. Also, the quality of the items provided needs to be high.”

Parts of the above insight may be true for us. We do not have fellowship

times either before or after worship as frequently as we might. They can become

good times to get to know one another better or just to strike up a good

conversation. Hospitality becomes the key to a great fellowship time. It is one

thing for someone or several to provide some refreshments. It is quite another for

those of us who have gathered in fellowship to take advantage of some quality time

to truly mix with others.

However, hospitality is not limited to fellowship times. Do we practice

hospitality to fellow worshipers in order to sincerely make them feel welcome and at

home? Consider the ways that you practice hospitality to all in the church.

Remember that Jesus welcomes you and seeks for you to welcome others.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)