Nik’s Nook, August 2016


While on vacation, my wife and I had a good time in Virginia. We were able to be joined part of the time by my younger son and his two young teens. We then spent the next week around home doing some much needed tasks and just relaxing. An Exciting Change is on the horizon. Worship and Christian Education are recommending that we start our worship hour at 10:30 a.m. Sunday School for various age groups would preceded this with possible starting times of either 9:15 or 9:30. This change will start the Sunday following Labor Day, September 11.

I again want to reaffirm what a pleasure it is to serve as your interim pastor.

With His Love, Pastor Nik

Something To Chew On XXV

The following article and I felt that it was well worth passing on to you.

Why go to church?

If you’re spiritually alive, you’re going to love this!

If you’re spiritually dead, you won’t want to read it.

If you’re spiritually curious, there is still hope!

A church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no

sense to go to church every Sunday. ‘I’ve gone for 30 years now,’ he wrote, ‘and in that time

have heard something like 3,000 sermons, but for the life of me, I can’t remember a single one

of them. So, I think I’m wasting my time, and the preachers and priests are wasting theirs by

giving sermons at all.’

This started a real controversy in the ‘Letters to the Editor’ column. Much to*the delight of the

editor, it went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher:

‘I’ve been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But

for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know

this: They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife

had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone

to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!’

When you are DOWN to nothing, God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes

the incredible, and receives the impossible! Thank God for our physical and our spiritual



Something To Chew On XXI

This morning, I was handed a brief newspaper clipping from Sharon Sparks.

We are uncertain as to which newspaper from which this may have come. Actually

that is not the most important thing. The clipping was entitled “What is your bucket

list from Christian believers?”

It was the first item in this article that caught my attention. The writer was

writing about that moment when we will approach the end of life. He implored his

readers to have no regrets. Those regrets might be over things undone, but more

importantly about words unspoken. Let me give you an example. Throughout my

life I have had countless relationships with members of churches that I have

served, with people in the communities where I have lived.

Take a moment to consider similar circumstances wherever you have lived,

worked, or just having the privilege of sharing life with others. Have all of those

relationships been warm and friendly or have some ended on a sour note with

perhaps an unkind word or a broken relationship?

If there are opportunities, seek to mend those broken relationships and either

ask for or offer a word of forgiveness. Have no regrets because you will have done

what is needed. I believe that this is the spirit and community in which God seeks

for us to live.

Nik’s Nook- April


As I write this, the full signs of spring are upon

us. The temperature is up and the trees are beginning

to leaf out. Everything seems to be growing. To make

that last statement gives me pause for the moment.

Can we apply the realities of spring to the life of

the church and where we seek to be moving? I believe

that we can. We have recently had three additions to

our membership by transfer of membership. Prayer

triads have completed their work and some are

continuing as we seek to birth new small groups to give

new opportunities for fellowship and growth.

We will soon have a congregational

mission/vision statement that will begin to allow our

church leadership to move to the next step of

transition, the search process. To do that, the

Reverend Steve Bentley, Associate Regional Minister

will be invited to meet with our Board so that he can

fully help us understand the next steps of writing a

congregational profile and moving ahead to designate a

search committee.

Let me invite you to prayerfully consider whom

you might bring to church to introduce them to First

Christian. You are Christ’s ambassadors to share the

good news of his saving grace. You do that simply by

touching another’s life in friendship and fellowship.

Allow me to close by saying how much of a

delight it is to be your interim pastor.

With His Love,

Pastor Nik

Easter Sunday at FCC!


Easter is a full morning at FCC

7:30 a.m. Sunrise Worship (outside if weather permitting)

9:00 a.m. continental breakfast in our Fellowship
Hall,the children will have an Easter
Egg Hunt, our Easter celebration of worship will be

10:00 a.m. our Easter celebration of worship will begin

Invite family, friends, and neighbors to join us

January 17th Carry-in

Sunday, January 17th we will have a carry-in luncheon following worship so that we can be introduced to some spiritual formation opportunities that will lead to the formation of “Prayer Triads.”Screen-shot-2013-09-05-at-10.56.16-AM

Nik’s Nook- November 2015

Oh, how the time passes quickly when you are having

fun. And I can honestly say that your graciousness, welcome,

and continuing helpfulness have contributed to my experience

of enjoyment.

We had our first congregational gathering to respond to

some questions that our Transition Team helped to draft

regarding our heritage. Your Transition Team will be meeting

in several weeks to discuss those responses and begin to make

plans for the next steps in this transition process with you.

I have had the opportunity to listen to a many of you

regarding your concerns as well as hopes. As a result of this

listening, in a few weeks I will begin sending out a weekly email

message entitled “From My Plate to Your Plate, Something to

Chew On”.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I am sure

that most of you will be gathering some time that week with

family and friends to celebrate and to sincerely count your

many blessings.

Just after Thanksgiving begins the wonderful season of

Advent. This year, I plan to lead you in a different direction.

Instead of the themes of hope, peace, joy, and love; we will

celebrate the first Sunday of Advent as Prophecy Sunday. The

second Sunday will be celebrated as Bethlehem Sunday. The

third Sunday will be celebrated as the Shepherd’s Sunday, and

the fourth Sunday will be celebrated as the Angel’s Sunday. All

of this culminates with Christmas Eve and sharing in candlelight


Join us for all of the variety of celebrations that are

coming up. Be encouragers of others to share in our many

activities. Continually lift one another in prayer.

I look forward to our continuing journey.

In the love of Christ,

Pastor Nik


The Elders have been dutifully fulfilling the task

of finding an Interim Pastor for us. This has been a

labor of love and an opportunity to learn more about

each other in the process. Thank you to all the

members of our church that have shared their

comments and feelings about the candidates that we

presented to you. It was not an easy decision. Due to

a few differentiating factors, Rev. Nick Donges was

called as our Interim Minister. Rev. Donges will have

standing office hours as well as making hospital calls

and taking care of any special service needs in the

congregation. Rev. Donges will help guide us through

the process that we need to complete to prepare our

church as a candidate for a new minister.

The Elders will be establishing a Transition

Team. We hope to have this team in place prior to

Rev. Donges coming on board, so that they are ready

to start. If you are approached for this team, please

prayerfully consider taking on this role. It is your

opportunity to serve your church as well as being a

part of helping to create the future of the church that

you will pass on to the next generation.

As we continue through this process, the Elders

will strive to keep everyone informed of the process

and the progress. This is a time for us all to pull

together and surround each other with love and


Pace, Purpose and Passion!

Cliff Thompson & Mike Simpson, Elder Chairsc

A Last Word…

How do I share the love that fills my heart within the limited space of this newsletter?  Answer is… I simply cannot.  We didn’t just do ministry together.  We shared our lives.  Innumerable memories have been flooding my mind over the past few weeks.  I think of engaging discussions in Bible studies; energizing play during Vacation Bible Schools; visiting you in hospital rooms; sharing in spirit-filled worship services; sweating alongside you on mission trips and at Camp Christian; holding hands with you in prayer; laughing with you in pure silliness and joy; and breaking bread at Christ’s Table & in the Fellowship Hall.  I remember Chili Bowls – my shelf of trophies will always pay tribute.

I also think of all the baby dedications, baptisms – Sarah Byrd was my first at FCC; weddings – Emily and Aaron Spears being the most recent; and the funerals of the saints – Geneva Whitley, George Morgan, and John Newby being the last three – what an incredible trio of saints!

Thank you for each and every moment!  I have grown not only as a pastor, but also as a person.  The lessons learned and the seeds of love planted will continue to influence my life and ministry for many years to come.

Over the years, I have heard many visitors comment on how beautiful the sanctuary window is.  I always agree, but then tell them that the people within the congregation are even more beautiful.  In the days ahead, remember this beauty, remember the love of God, and trust the Holy Spirit will continue to guide all that you do in the name of Christ.

It has been my JOY to serve God as your pastor.  Thank you!  You will remain in my heart forever.

with love always,


Dear Church Family…

Dear Church Family,

In February 2006, we began doing ministry together.  We have walked in faith together through times of great joy, grief, celebration, and wonder.  God has guided us through these times with divine love and light.  I treasure all we have done together in the name of Christ.

After prayerful discernment, I am resigning my position as Pastor.  This has not been an easy decision to make, but I know that I am doing as God is calling.  My last Sunday will be June 28.  On this day we will worship God with great joy and thanksgiving for the love we have shared over the years.  We will gather at Christ’s Table and remember that we are one in Christ no matter where our journeys lead us.

During this time of transition, I want to encourage you in two ways.  First, let this time be something that stirs you to prayer like never before.  Be praying for FCC, its leadership, and the next Pastor.  Pray for unity.  Pray for continued growth in grace, wisdom and faith.  Pray, pray, pray!  Second, I want to encourage you to stay the course.  God is good.  God’s steadfast love endures forever.  God’s love for you, God’s love for me… is forever!  God is still God and FCC is centered on following the call of Jesus Christ.  This is a great church and your continued participation on Sundays and participation in all the ministries are more important than ever.  This can be a very exciting time as you bond together to move forward in ministry.

I treasure the weeks ahead that we have together.  I look forward to these times filled with God’s love, laughter and joy.  I thank you for the love each of you has given.  It has been my honor and joy serving God as your Pastor.

with love, Laureen 🙂


First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)