Connecting with Christian Women’s Fellowship

CWF’s theme for this year is “Connecting – within our church and in our community.”  Our first project will be to invite all the women in our congregation to be a prayer partner to another woman within our congregation.  On Sept. 8th and 15th those wishing to participate may fill out a slip of paper with your name and any other information you wish to give – such as e-mail address, phone or mailing address, and on Sept. 22 you will be assigned a prayer partner.  If you are unable to be here and wish to have a prayer partner, just call or e-mail the church office.  You do not need to purchase or give anything to the other person.  We just ask that you communicate with your prayer partner at church, on the phone, by e-mail, or by a card through the mail.

We will be making “Hospitality Totes” for our community project.  These totes are to be given to families of hospital patients.  These will be assembled on October 13th after the second service.  A light lunch will be served and there will be an installation service for our CWF officers, who are as follows:

  • President:  Marilyn Chamberlain
  • First Vice President:  Helen Morgan
  • Second Vice President:  Dorice Perkins
  • Secretary:  Mary Helen Shetter
  • Treasurer:  Angie Otis
  • Sarah Circle Leaders:  Mary Back and Linda Poynter
  • Rebekah/Esther Circle Leaders:  Betty Stacy & Dorice Perkins
  • Hannah Circle:  TBA
  • Kitchen Chairmen:  Linda Poynter and Betty Stacy
  • Church Women United Delegates:  Helen Dennis & Dorice Perkins

If you are not currently involved in a CWF Circle, please know that an invitation is always open for you to participate!

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)