
CWF wishes to thank everyone who attended and helped in

any way with the Soup and Salad Luncheon. The gross receipts

were $675 and after expenses of $134, we had a net profit of

$541. Proceeds will benefit both local and national missions.

It is now time to re-enroll in our Kroger Rewards program. To

re-enroll, go to and log into your account

with your e-mail address and your password. When you have

logged in, go to Account Summary and under “Community

Rewards”, choose First Christian Church, Middletown or use

our organization number 81221. When you get to this screen,

click “enroll”. Our quarterly distribution from Kroger was

$71.72, so this is a worthwhile fundraiser.

For the month of May Esther/Rebekah circle will meet at

church on May 4th at 1 PM. Sarah Circle will meet at Marilyn

Chamberlain”s on May 9th at 7 PM. Hannah Circle will met on

April 10th, but has not yet scheduled a meeting for May. All

ladies of the church are invited to join a circle.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)