CWF News, October 2016



The ladies from Hannah Circle decorated for Harvest Sunday which will be held Sunday, October 23rd in the Fellowship Hall. They will also be cleaning up and will be assisted by members from other circles in this task.

CWF prepared and served a luncheon after the funeral of Lois Hafer on September 23rd.

On November 3rd, Sarah Circle will meet at 10:00 AM to clean and organize the kitchen. Members are asked to bring a sack lunch that day.

We have received donations of a glass punch bowl, cups, and a sewing machine from Peggy Burgess. We also received a glass cold drink dispenser and a serving dish from Lois Strohm. Thank you ladies for your gifts.

Some Upcoming events:

January 29, 2017- Blanket Sunday

March 20, 2017- Soup and Salad Luncheon

May 7, 2017- Blessing Boxes collected

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)