Dream! Dream! Dream!


When was the last time you allowed yourself to dream with God? Whether it is daydreaming or in your sleep, God moves in our lives through our dreams. Last night I traveled to Beargrass Christian Church for worship led by Andra Moran renowned worship leader and Christian musical artist. (www.andramoran.com)

Andra Moran - worship leader

Andra Moran – worship leader

God and Andra invited the congregation to dream. From the moment we walked into the sanctuary until the last note was sung, we journeyed with God (and Andra) into a dream space filled with the light and love of Christ. Words cannot completely express the gift to my spirit this time of worship continues to be.

Dream Prayer Center @ Beargrass Christian Church with Andra Moran

Dream Prayer Center @ Beargrass Christian Church with Andra Moran

As we were invited to dream and pray with God, a piece of my soul opened – a piece I had not realized was closed. But, indeed my worshipful dream center had been repressed. Last night it burst open once again, and I was released into a place of wonderment and joy dreaming with God!

Our vision of Expressions! worship came flooding back into my spirit. Butterflies, joy, hope, light and dreams of soaring with GOD filled my spirit! God has called us to dream together… to create more joy together… to soar in Christ’s LIGHT together!

God calls us to dream. When we open ourselves to dream with God, we become co-creators with God. Do you dream of peace in your life? How about joy in your job or home? I encourage you to prayerfully daydream about these desires of your heart. Allow your worshipful dream center to burst open, and begin creating with GOD.

Dream with GOD and when I return we will continue our journey together… our journey filled with dreams… our journey filled with beautiful “Expressions!” of God’s love.

with love, Laureen 🙂

Let’s dream together. Share your dreams in the comment section below.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)