Easter Glow

I’m still basking in the afterglow of Holy Week and Easter. Our journey together throughout this powerful week was a blessing to my spirit.

It all began on Palm Sunday with the waving of Palms. The choir anthems with our combined Youth and Chancel Choirs was a highlight!

Thank you to our Elders who participated in sharing Luke’s passion narrative with us on Maundy Thursday: Mike Cockerham, Dave Lombard, Linda Lombard, Helen Morgan, Dorice Perkins, Mike Simpson, Betty Stacy, Marilyn Strong, Cliff Thompson. Thanks to Rachel Eve Davis for filling in at the last minute and for accompanying worship. Also, thanks to Larry Steele for providing our sound support.

Easter morning heralded Christ’s triumph over death with joy and delight. We began with our sunrise service followed by breakfast – thanks to Dave Schueller, Lora Schueller, Collin Roe and Mark Roe for preparing our Easter morning feast. The cold weather forced our annual egg hunt to be in the sanctuary, but that did not dampen the spirits of the children hunting for candy-filled eggs. Our Easter Worship Celebration was a GRAND examples of the light, love and spirit that pulse through our faith community. Thank you to our Chancel Choir along with Tyler Hendricks on trumpet for an uplifting anthem. I also extend a special thank you to I thank all of you who were here – your active participation in worshipping and celebrating our Risen Lord elevated the day to pure jubilation!

Easter is not over. It is not a one day event. We celebrate Easter each and every Sunday. We are an Easter people. I look forward to continuing the celebration and blooming with you in the coming weeks!

with love, Laureen 🙂

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)