Foreigner Hanging Out On The Back Pew

It has been many years since I have walked in a church as a visitor – not knowing anyone. So, this morning, my first Sunday of sabbatical, I became a foreigner.

I began my foreign adventure as anyone in our world of technology would. I got on the Internet and mapped out my plan. I chose First United Methodist Church in Isle of Palm, SC. I chose it because of proximity, time of worship, and worship style (in order by priority).

First United Methodist Church - Isle of Palm, SC

First United Methodist Church – Isle of Palm, SC

According to their website the Praise service began at 9AM on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. I emailed the pastor to make sure they were worshipping. Being summer I was worried they would have an adjusted schedule. He emailed me back with an enthusiastic “YES!”

Arriving I quickly discovered I was a foreigner, but. I was in familiar land – I was in God’s house. The usher showed us the way to the fellowship hall in the basement. The praise team was on stage singing, people were greeting one another, and I found my seat in. The back row.

FUMC Praise Team

FUMC Praise Team

It was a good service. I worshipped, heard the Word of God, and sang praises… all as a foreigner, as a pew dweller, as one of God’s people hanging out on the back pew.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)