
We celebrated “Homecoming” this weekend at the Roe house. No fancy suits or dresses, no expensive dinners out. Instead, we enjoyed Corey and Collin both home from college for the weekend. As our homecoming weekend began, the laundry room overflowed with dirty clothes, the family room floor became the recipient of large shoes, and the refrigerator quickly emptied.

Saturday night did not see us putting on dancing shoes. Instead we ate Chinese takeout, settled into the family room, and watched a movie. For me, most Saturday nights are filled with my final sermon/worship/Sunday prep. The gift of sabbatical enabled me to thoroughly enjoy this special homecoming night with my men. Thank you!

Homecoming Shoes

Homecoming Shoes

Sunday morning, I came downstairs, made a cup of tea and navigated my way around the collection of shoes scattered on the floor. For years I have grumbled about the shoes all over the family room floor. But, I have to admit that my heart warmed as I sat in prayer with my tea gazing over the shoes decorating the room. They were evidence of the love present in our home this homecoming weekend.

Central Christian Church Kettering, Ohio

Central Christian Church
Kettering, Ohio

We chose to “go home” and worship God with our church family in Kettering at Central Christian Church. It has been over ten years since I have worshipped on Sunday morning with my beloved faith family of origin. My heart was filled with tender love as I sat with Mark, Corey and Collin with our church family who nurtured and shaped us. In the midst of our Central Christian family, Mark and I were dedicated as infants, made our confessions of faith, were baptized, grew our relationship with God and one another in Chi Rho and CYF, exchanged our marriage vows, dedicated Corey and Collin as infants, acknowledged my call to ministry, witnessed Corey’s confession of faith and baptism, and celebrated my ordination into Christian ministry.

Yesterday, we were home! Embraced by many of the saints that helped raise us and teach us about the true nature of God’s love. Reconnected to friends who shared our younger years. It was a blessed homecoming!

I am looking forward to coming home to my beloved church family in Middletown. I miss worshipping God and sharing the Lord’s Supper with you. We have 20 days remaining in our sabbatical time. Until we celebrate my homecoming with you, I continue to pray for you. I also lift special prayers for George, Beth, Evan, our Elders and church leaders who lead with Christ’s light and love.

I will see you soon, and look forward to the “shoes” we will scatter in Christ’s name together!

with love, Laureen 🙂

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)