FCC-Middletown Congregation,

Karen Powers and I have met with Rev. Steve Bentley, Regional Associate Minister.  At that meeting, we discussed how best to proceed with ministerial support after Laureen’s departure.  We agreed that the best approach would be to bring in an interim minister to guide us, to assist us and to lead us once we begin the search for our full-time pastor.  Steve presented us with resumes of potential candidates for the position of interim minister.  I met with the 2015-2016 elders (this group included Karen) and we discussed the potential candidates strengths and weaknesses as we saw them as a fit for FCC-Middletown.  The Elders selected one individual that they felt might be a good fit.  I have called him to discuss setting up an online interview.  He informed me another church had scheduled an interview with him this weekend.  I will follow-up on the results of this interview and report to the elders.  Should this individual not be available, Steve Bentley informed Karen and me that he would provide additional resumes.  As this is a very important stage in the future of

FCC-Middletown, we will proceed carefully to find the best individual to lead us into our next phase.  I will keep you updated as we move forward.

Larry Steele

Moderator Elect

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)