Nik’s Nook- April


As I write this, the full signs of spring are upon

us. The temperature is up and the trees are beginning

to leaf out. Everything seems to be growing. To make

that last statement gives me pause for the moment.

Can we apply the realities of spring to the life of

the church and where we seek to be moving? I believe

that we can. We have recently had three additions to

our membership by transfer of membership. Prayer

triads have completed their work and some are

continuing as we seek to birth new small groups to give

new opportunities for fellowship and growth.

We will soon have a congregational

mission/vision statement that will begin to allow our

church leadership to move to the next step of

transition, the search process. To do that, the

Reverend Steve Bentley, Associate Regional Minister

will be invited to meet with our Board so that he can

fully help us understand the next steps of writing a

congregational profile and moving ahead to designate a

search committee.

Let me invite you to prayerfully consider whom

you might bring to church to introduce them to First

Christian. You are Christ’s ambassadors to share the

good news of his saving grace. You do that simply by

touching another’s life in friendship and fellowship.

Allow me to close by saying how much of a

delight it is to be your interim pastor.

With His Love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)