Nik’s Nook, April 2017

My Dear People, This will be the final newsletter article that you will see from me. Next month, Pastor Tracy Siegman will share with you her first words of wisdom. As I think back over our time together, I often have to ask where these last eighteen months have gone. Yet, we have done so much together to grow as a Christian community, to embrace the ideals of a new vision and mission, and finally to be able to call a settled pastor. There is no way that I can fully say ‘thank you’ enough for your love, your support, for our times together, for our moments of sadness as well as our moments of laughter and of joy. You have endured with me through two cracked bones and allowed me to serve you at times from the distance of my home. You have held me in prayer whether it was a moment of need like a cracked bone or just for the ministry that we were seeking to do together. You have offered words of encouragement as we have sought to accomplish the various tasks that I was called to do. When we say ‘farewell’ on April 30th I will no longer be your pastor in any role. I live by a strict ministerial code of ethics that will not allow any continued pastoral relationship. Yes, I can be your friend and I would hope that we can keep in touch in that friendship manner. However, if we step beyond that I will simply ask you to be in touch Pastor Tracy. My sincere prayers will be with you as you welcome Pastor Tracy Siegman and seek to build new relationships with her as Pastor and congregation.

With His Love, Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)