Nik’s Nook- January


Our New Year is off to a good start. Our worship order has been tweaked just slightly to make it flow better. Worship leaders have been recruited to the end of the year. A coffee fellowship time has been started and will be held every other Sunday. Our first coffee fellowship was on Sunday, January 10th. A Souper Bowl fellowship will follow worship on Super Bowl Sunday, February 7th. This will replace the usual chili cook off. Also, on February 7th we will observe Scout Sunday with Scouts assuming various worship leadership responsibilities. Our ministry to the homeless called Shalom will be the week of February 14th. It is good to see a congregation involved in so many different ways. Yesterday, I helped to lead members of the congregation into the next step of transition as seek to discern God’s direction and mission for First Christian. I have invited members to join together in prayer triads. This can be three people, three couples, but I cautioned against having more than nine in a group. Each prayer triad will have some designated passages of scriptures to study, to pray about, and to carefully listen for what God might be saying regarding mission and vision in the months and years ahead. What gifts and strengths will you offer to God to accomplish his vision and mission? I need to know the participants of each prayer triad and who you have designated as your recorder. Begin to think about where you would like to see First Christian in the next seven to ten years. There are exciting days ahead of us. Your love and passion of our Lord will help to bring that excitement to fruition.

With His Love, Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)