Nik’s Nook -March


Holy Week is almost upon us and with that come
a variety of activities and opportunities for special
worship. On Palm Sunday, we will celebrate the day
with the parade of the palms. I will be ending my
sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer by addressing the
fuller meaning of the petition, “Lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil”. The title of my
message may seem odd at first, yet without giving too
much away how can we shout “Hosanna” in one breath
and then “Crucify Him” with the next. By the way, that
title is “Shall We Dance?” You will just have to be here
to get the full impact of what Jesus intended.
On Maundy Thursday, we will gather near the
front of the sanctuary to experience some of the
symbols of betrayal, denial, and crucifixion before we
join together to partake of the sacred emblems of that
last supper of remembrance that our Lord gave to us.
This will also be a service of Tenebrae as candles are
gradually extinguished during our worship.
Easter is a full morning starting with our 7:30
a.m. Sunrise Worship (outside if weather permitting),
followed by a continental breakfast in our Fellowship
Hall. At 9:00 a.m., the children will have an Easter
Egg Hunt, and our Easter celebration of worship will be
at 10:00 a.m.
Invite family, friends, and neighbors to join us
for our Holy Week activities.
With His Love,
Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)