Nik’s Nook, October 2016


Well, I am back in the saddle, so to say. It was good to be able to take an active part in worship again and I am grateful to Martin Schaefer, who was there to assist me up and down the steps. I am still relying fairly heavily on a cane, but am gradually able to take more steps on my own. My outpatient therapists know how to give it to me in order to help me move more and more away from that cane. I will be seeing my surgeon on Wednesday for a follow-up appointment and hopefully any x-rays he takes will show that I am healing well.

As I said yesterday, your cards and prayers have meant the world to me and have been a boost through a difficult time. I think some of you were surprised that I would be in the office today. Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas are just around the corner and planning has begun to make this time meaningful and celebrative.

I again want to reaffirm what a pleasure it is to serve as your interim pastor.

With His Love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)