Outreach Opportunities



This is a very busy time for Outreach as we prepare to provide for families at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  With your help, we will be providing turkey and trimmings for ten families in November.  Thank you to all who have committed to help this month and please watch for more information on what will be happening in December.


Hat and Mitten Tree


Plans are to use the Hat and Mitten Tree again this year and provide much needed items to the children attending Rosa Parks Elementary School and the children at Hope House.  Please help us start decorating the tree in the narthex on November 30.




SHALOM is very worthwhile program to house and feed the homeless in our community.  We will again be partnering with Christ United Methodist Church for two weeks this winter.  Mark your calendars for December 28 through January 3 and February 15 through February 21 and plan on sharing a blessing with someone by giving of your time or helping prepare a meal.  Jerry Hall has again graciously volunteered to be our contact person and will be providing additional information.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)