Something to Chew On, Issue VII


Since I shared a children’s story last week in order to make a point, I decided that I would continue this week with that trend. Only this week I will not share the entire story because I believe that the title to this story is sufficient.
The story is “The Little Engine That Could!” I believe that most if not all of you are familiar with that story. The little engine had a tremendous task of pulling a great load of freight cars over a mountain. This is a story of faith. It is a story of hope. It is a story of possibilities.
My dear people, I want you to think big and to think outside the box when it comes to First Christian Church. Dream big dreams. Think great possibilities. Remember that all things are possible with God.
We have begun a time of discernment. I have invited you to join together in prayer triads to attentively study some designated scripture passages and to continually ask, what is God saying to us? It is not about your agenda. It is not about my agenda. It is about God’s agenda.
Can we be like that little engine as he began to pull that great load up the mountainside? “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.” As he got closer to the top, his chugging changed to “I know I can, I know I can, I know I can”
Will you stand at the foot of the mountain and only say, “No way?” Or will you stand at the foot of the mountain and say, “Let’s do it because God will be at your side to lend a helping hand?”

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)