Something to Chew On, Issue III

Think about attachment and detachment for a moment. We become attached

to a significant other, our children, our work, and the list could go on.

What about attachment to pastors and the church they seek to serve? Yes,

we may come to love a pastor. The problem is: they come and go. A pastor’s

tenure can be for many years or shorter. When they depart we are confronted with

detachment. Will it be the same with the next pastor? Most likely, it will not

because they bring with themselves their personality, their style, and their

approach to ministry. Yet, a new pastor can mean excitement and the joy of

establishing a relationship how ever temporary it may be.

Did you ever consider that a pastor goes through the same joy of attachment

and the pain of detachment? In my forty-five plus years of ministry, I have served

a total of ten congregations including my student church while I was in seminary

and the three interim ministries since retirement. In each of these congregations I

have become attached to the members. I have loved them as we have worked

together in ministry. Whenever I have left a congregation there has been pain and

loss through detachment. However, I did not give up on ministry simply because of

the pain of detachment. I knew God had bigger plans with the excitement of a new

congregation to which I have been called to serve.

In my short time with you I have come to love you and appreciate the

possibilities of ministry that God has in store for us

Will you allow the pain of detachment to keep you from fully being a part of

First Christian Church or will you embrace the wonderful ministries that we can do



Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)