The word for this week of Christmas is encounter. For weeks now we have
been preparing, anticipating, expecting. Those preparations may have involved
shopping, decorating, having fellowship with different groups. All of this leads up to
what occurs this week.
Over the past four weeks we have lighted the four candles on the Advent
Wreath; the first symbolizing prophecy; the second symbolizing Bethlehem; the
third symbolizing the Shepherds, and the fourth symbolizing the glorious message
of the angels
One candle remains to be lighted on Christmas Eve, the Christ Candle. I pray
that you will carve out some time to join us as we hear the story, relight the Advent
Candles, and end as we all light our own candles after we have partaken of the
sacred emblems of Holy Communion.
May your own hearts and spirits truly encounter the babe in a manger who
becomes the Savior of the world.
The words of the following carol say it best:
What Child is this, who, laid to rest,
On Mary’s lap is sleeping,
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet,
While shepherds watch are keeping?
This, this id Christ the King,
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing;
Haste, haste to bring him laud,
The babe, the son of
Pastor Nik