Something to chew on, Issue IX

All of you know that I wear glasses. I have worn glasses since I was in first

grade. Of course, as I got older, those single lens glasses gradually changed into
bi-focals to allow me to read and see things at a distance more clearly. I suffer
from both astigmatism and far-sightedness. Actually my visual prescription has
changed very little over the last ten years.
I got to thinking about what glasses do for anyone of us whether we need
them or not. With or without glasses we need to have clarity and perspective
regarding what is around us. Right now, many of you are involved in prayer triads
to study selected scripture passages and to seek God’s direction regarding where he
seeks for First Christian to live and to move regarding its mission and vision. What
kind of clarity and perspective is God giving you?
Some time close to or immediately following Easter, I will invite all of the
recorders of the prayer groups to gather for a time of brainstorming and
discernment regarding what God has revealed. From this session, we will draft a
new and exciting mission and vision for First Christian. Then we can begin the task
of assembling a Search Committee and drafting a narrative profile of First Christian
for perspective candidates for settled pastor.
Seek for clarity and perspective regarding God’s call to us.


Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)