First, allow me to say Happy New Year to all of you.
Many of you may recall, “Mirror, mirror on the wall….” from the story of
“Snow White”. Every morning and perhaps throughout the day, we gaze at
ourselves in a mirror, primping, preparing for the day ahead. We may see our
reflection in windows or phones or tablets or computer screens. Each time we take
note of our appearance. I have a question for you. How do we sincerely and
genuinely reflect the image of God?
Remember the creation story. “So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27,
If we were created in the image of God, is it not true that God’s church has
also been brought forth in his image? How do we reflect the image of Christ? Early
on in my time with you I suggested that you greet one another in this way: “The
Christ in me greets the Christ in you.”
Remember this whenever you come upon a mirror or a reflection of yourself,
always asking that critical question, how am I reflecting the image of Christ?
Suppose I was to say to you, Christ is one of you! Would we treat one another
differently with greater dignity, honor, and respect? Or would we pass it off as
being impossible or improbable?
As a congregation and as individuals let us be imitators of the Christ who has
called us to be his beloved.
Pastor Nik
First Christian Church; Middletown, Ohio