Something to Chew on, Issue VIII


Some of you know that I do my best to get to the gym on those days I am at home to work out. Actually, there is a similar gym in Monroe, but I have not been able to take advantage of it. Years ago, I reaffirmed that if I did not take good care of myself I really could not have adequately been able to care for others.
When I go to the gym I usually spend some time on an elliptical machine to get my heart rate going and to warm up my muscles. I may use a treadmill or a rower if an elliptical is not available.
I spend most of the rest of my time lifting weights and toning various parts of my body. I use a personal trainer who makes sure that I lift the weight with the proper form. Often my trainer or another friend will become a spotter for me. The spotter has a primary purpose: to make sure that you can lift the weight you are trying to lift and to prevent any chance of your dropping the weight on yourself, which could lead to serious injury.
I want all of us to apply the concept of a spotter to the work and the ministry of the church. How can we serve as spotters for one another? Let me suggest some possibilities. Volunteer without being asked to assist another with their tasks, whether it be communion preparation, stepping in for an absent deacon or elder, joining with others to provide snacks for a coffee fellowship, making sure that all of the lights are off as you depart the building, assisting in the video booth.
I am sure that all of us have heard the statement, “Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.” I have never tried to confirm that here at First Christian. But don’t be surprised if you see a balled up piece of paper on the carpet. The next question is, who will pick it up?
Be a spotter when it comes to the ministries of First Christian.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)