Something to Chew on, Issue X

When I have been on vacation or traveling for business purposes, I have
taken note of something that the state of Ohio lacks. Driving on interstates into our
neighboring states provides me with a chance to be greeted at the first rest area to
a “Welcome Center.” Those welcome centers usually have state maps of the state
that you are entering along with a wealth of information regarding places you might
want to visit while in that state. Some welcome centers even offer regional snack
or drink. Often you are able to make motel reservations if needed and the friendly
clerks greet you with a warm welcome.
I have always felt that the state of Ohio is missing an important element that
would make it user-friendlier. Now, I understand that the rest area on I-75 just
south of Monroe does have maps and other information about Ohio. I have not had
the chance to stop and check it out.
This got me to thinking about the welcome that we offer as a church. Is it
enough for us to be called a friendly church when people enter our doors? What
about the friendliness that we extend into the community? Is our welcome in our
neighborhoods and the communities in which we live such that another might say,
“I want to visit that church?” Think about it and seek to live it.
During the season of Lent I will be addressing the phrases that Jesus used in
the prayer that he taught his disciples and that he has given to us. Join us as we
begin that adventure.



Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)