Something to Chew on, Issue XI


For several weeks many of you have been participating in some prayer triads.

As I stated on the Sunday that I introduced these triads the sole purpose is for

members of the congregation to join together in small fellowship groups, to study

designated passages of scripture, to pray together, and then to discern what

direction God is calling for First Christian to move.

I have received a number of reports that many of you are having an

enjoyable time and discovering significant insights that God is revealing to your

heart and to your spirit. I know that some of the triads are just three people while

others involve as many as five to eight people. When we reach the end of that triad

time, I will look forward to your reports.

I deeply regret that my wife and I were not able to join with so many of you

for a special Valentine’s dinner followed by the movie, “The War Room”. We had

planned to make the trip back to Middletown mid-afternoon. By that time, the

snow was falling rapidly and we only made it as far as Milford before I had to stop

and call and say that we would not make it.

Thank you to all who are engaging in this time of discernment regarding

God’s vision and mission for First Christian.

Some other exciting things are on the horizon that you will be hearing about


First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)