Something to Chew On, Issue XV


My dear friends, we are entering one of the most significant weeks of the Christian year, Holy Week. This past Sunday we began the week with the celebration of Palm Sunday, marking that moment when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem triumphantly and the people welcomed him with joy and celebration. However, I reminded worshipers that not far behind were perhaps those same people now shouting with anger, “Crucify him!”
Many, many years ago my wife and I used to sing a duet, “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked”. I want to invite you not to sing, but to imagine living out the title of that beautiful song.
Therefore, I am going to list for you all of the accounts from each of the four gospels of the passion of our Lord. I would encourage you to pick at least one gospel or more and read each day some of the full account of that story. I begin each gospel listing with the account of the triumphal entry and I end with the burial in the borrowed tomb.


Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)