We are approaching two very significant moments in the life of First Christian.
The first will involve the work of the Nominating Committee as they seek to
replace leaders at different levels of the congregation’s work and whose terms are
expiring. When you are asked to serve wherever the need may be, will you
willingly accept the privilege of serving our Lord and our God? You see, so often we
get it wrong. We limit our vision to focus only on the local church. Expand your
vision to include the One who has called us into being. In the words of the hymn,
“I serve a risen Savior, He’s in the world today;…” Remember who calls, not simply
for filling a slate of officers and leaders, but to be a vital part of continuing ministry.
The second moment in the life of the church is addressing the
stewardship/financial needs for the coming year. As I write this, I aware the
individuals are working on a plan to present to the congregation. A significant part
of this plan will be what it will take to enable the congregation to be to call a settled
The next step involves our response. How is God calling us to respond with
our resources? Actually, I will be saying more about this from the pulpit in a couple
of weeks. Over 80% of Jesus’ teachings address what we do with what God has
given us. If it was that important to our Lord, then it needs to take on the same
level of importance with each of us.
The big question for every one of us is: How will we serve?