This morning, I was handed a brief newspaper clipping from Sharon Sparks.
We are uncertain as to which newspaper from which this may have come. Actually
that is not the most important thing. The clipping was entitled “What is your bucket
list from Christian believers?”
It was the first item in this article that caught my attention. The writer was
writing about that moment when we will approach the end of life. He implored his
readers to have no regrets. Those regrets might be over things undone, but more
importantly about words unspoken. Let me give you an example. Throughout my
life I have had countless relationships with members of churches that I have
served, with people in the communities where I have lived.
Take a moment to consider similar circumstances wherever you have lived,
worked, or just having the privilege of sharing life with others. Have all of those
relationships been warm and friendly or have some ended on a sour note with
perhaps an unkind word or a broken relationship?
If there are opportunities, seek to mend those broken relationships and either
ask for or offer a word of forgiveness. Have no regrets because you will have done
what is needed. I believe that this is the spirit and community in which God seeks
for us to live.