Something To Chew On XXIX

I desire for you to focus on a very critical word in the life of any congregation.

That word is Excellence. Consider how we can become not only a people of

excellence, but a congregation of excellence.

Excellence is putting the best foot forward, attempting to see that all is done

as best as it can be done. What are the ways in which we can strive to be on top as

a congregation and demonstrate that clearly to those around us?

Many years ago I was the pastor of a congregation in another state. One of

my worship responsibilities was to offer the children a message every Sunday. One

Sunday we had a number of visiting children. When the children had come forward

and gathered on the floor in front of me, one of our visitors held up her hand. I

asked her for her name and then I asked what she wanted to ask me. She simply

said, “You have a dirty church.” This prompted me to ask what she meant. She

stood up, turned around and exclaimed how dusty her slacks were because the floor

of the Sunday School room had not been swept. She then commented about how

much in disarray the shelves. I told her that I was sorry and told her that we would

do a better cleaning job. Her comment and complaint indicates a church that is not


Sports teams practice so that they may do the best job possible. Musical

groups also practice to be able to present the best performance. Should we expect

any less of the church?

Over the next six months or more, pastoral candidates may come to visit First

Christian. Will it be said of us that we are a church of excellence?

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)